Thanks 89Wrangler! They are fantastic, as long as you don't tell the Dr. what you ate!
@biggoofy, I don't have any pics of the box loaded. But I'll do my best to be descriptive.
I would take unlit charcoal and lay it all across the bottom, usually 2 or 3 layers deep.
Then I would take a chimney full of coals and put them over the burner until they ash over. Usually about 45 minutes. I'll post a link to the chimney at the bottom, I definitely recommend it!
Once the coals in the chimney ash over I would pour them in a pile on one side of the box, on top of the unlit coals. I would usually pour them on the side away from the intake, but I don't think it matters. the coals took about 45 minutes to ash over.
I would lay a split piece (or 2) of wood on top, one end in the hot coals and the other toward the intake. Knots make white smoke, and white smoke is bad. Save the knotty wood for the camp fire.
As the wood burned down I will add some all day, maybe once ever hour or so? never really timed it...
If you need to add any coals later in the day start them in the chimney.
Loading the box this way will allow the fire to burn from one side to the other all day, keeping your heat pretty even. If the wind didn't shift I wouldn't have to mess with the intake once I got it started.
Just remember to take your time getting the fire right before you start cooking. If I planned dinner for 4p, I would be up at 6a starting the fire with the meat on around 8a.
here is the chimney,
and a website that really helped me when I first bought my grill