It started as a donor frame, 89 runner 4wd auto.
chassis: SN 508 DOM
ft axle: 85 front axle, shaved, strapped, braced, fj80 hp, 30 30 kit, d-flanges, v6 calipers, fj40 rotors, welded diff, 4.10 gear, TG hysteer, 1.5 spacers, ram assist, home tapped 89 steering box
rr axle: 89 rear, shaved, strapped, welded 4 cyc third (electric locker sittin on the bench for it), all factory brackets gone spring pads moved in
springs: 3 inch buggy springs ft/rr with bottom leaf removed from each pack
shocks: bilestin 5025 14 inch strokes
engine: 85 22re converted to propane, one wire DUI distrubter, one wire converted altentor, moved back 6.75 inches from factory, red top optima
tranny: L52 with HD clutch kit
crawler: TG HD 23 spline output crawler plate with A/A 5.0 trail tamer gears
tcase: Chromy 23 spline input shaft, with longfield chromy rear output shaft, still gotta get twin stick for it
Dshafts: equal length ft/rr, both run yota joint/flanges made with .250 wall DOM tubing
H1 wheels: recentered yota pattern, 8 bolt 16.5 x 9.5, with inner locks from Dean Reed off
tires: 42x14x16.5 IROCKS, and yes I still have full swing of the steering and I still need to screw the stops in before I hit the springs.
I may have forgot some stuff but if you have any questions feel free to ask.