
^ yeah I got lost at "daily driver valve cover gasket"
I think he meant $500 without the "new" tires, but his complete lack of punctuation makes things confusing. :lol:

ah. wow that took me awhile to understand how that could be. But I see it now.

original said:
I'm asking 1800 obo with the new tires will take 1300 with out title in hand

Maybe this is what he means?
fixed said:
I'm asking 1800 obo with the new tires, and will take 1300 with out them. Title in hand

My interpretation:
how Dave sees it said:
I'm asking too much for a POS and a little less to keep my somewhat used but called "new" tires. But due to my awful grammar nobody will understand this anyway.
Dear seller, I was interested in purchasing your Jeep until I read the last sentence of your ad and realized you are trying to deceive me.
There is no way that beautiful vehicle is a 1995 and not new so as they say on Shark Tank, "I'm out".
I find his punctuation dumb, I find it worse that you couldn't figure out what it said without punctuation. You sure you're from the south guys, or is this His post makes plenty of sense to me.
Holy Dorkle Batman!
I'm impressed an XJ hood can hold up a tree: