Some pics of repair i did on neighbors boat trailer


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
I was cleaning off the camera and forgot I had snaped there.. My neighbor smacked the fender on his trailer when he was pulling away from the pumps and tweeked the step and fender pretty good.. So he droped it off for me to fix...

He helped pound out the fendor while I made up the new corner step..

Nothing fancy, heres a few pics..


Nice work. Always a good idea to keep good relations with the neighbors, especially with some of the junk...I mean projects... we entertain them with.

Did you use a sheet metal brake for the bends?
I wanna see the :huggy: boat that goes with that trailer! Though I have an idea whose it was.. was it his? :)
I used my small 36" sheet metal brake, it was all it could do to bend the 12ga I used on the step..

I think i have a pic at home with a boat that more than fills the trailer.. Basically my neighbor recovers assets :) So its always someone elses boat on it.. He got this trailer this past year and it enables him to get the large boats that fit on the trailer and deliver them as needed... It's a damn big ass trailer. He had to back it in across my front yard and it went almost into the curb...