Port-a-band was a slow process as well. I'm doing better with the grinder. It's a mohemith grinder. If my port-a-band blade was new, it might have been the way to go. 7" grinder disks are $7. Don't know price of blades. Probably even wash. The grinder is more fun!!!
I will need to find a new pinion nut. Got a rebuild kit and new gears to take care of the rest. No worries of messing anything up. The original 2.89 (something low?) gears are worthless as well. Having someone else set the gears up. His impact wrench wouldn't budge it creating the problem to begin with. Probably a good excuse to just go by a torch outfit, but I doubt I would ever need it again? Could use that money elsewhere right now.
Actually no hammer is being used so most bearings should still be good Shawn. Got new ones anyways. Always use a new crush sleeve when rebuilding anyways.