Source for Optima in Triad


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
There's an oddball chance I might be losing my battery today (long story). Good chance/excuse to get an Optima. Where would be a good place to get one (e.g. not ripped off) in the W-S region?
Also, reccomendations on a model?
Do a search for "Optima" & "red top"...

As Jim stated, there are at least 2 (or 3) different versions of of the red top... mainly dealing with CCA.

I had O'rielly price match AZs numbers (same physical size battery, but the O'r version was the larger CCA = comparing apples & oranges)...

IOW, the 500-600ish CCA versions = $100
Most others in the 750-900CCA = $135-$160 retail
Well, I got to keep the battery (didn't have to throw it in w/ the RX-7)... so I lost my excuse... but of course now I have extra cash in my pocket... sooooo.... hmmmmm...