southwest engines ????????


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
MOD please move if in wrong spot.
Needin a 22r for a 80's toy and thought about the long block but found these folks with a complete engine minus some exterior items (ac compressor and a couple other can't remember items) and it seems like it could save me a few coins over the long block but never heard of them & thought I would see if any of ya'll had ever dealt with or heard of them. And if you have heard of any dealings with them are they worth what i think I MAY save.
Thx in advance
Aight then 20 views and no replies. Duno but I think I will order from them (if they still have it) and let you know my experience with them.
Thx R. eppes!! My D A did a little research per your suggestion and man-o-man they had some negativity on the web the sister site of the BBB and th ripoff And I will not be ordering from them. THANKS for helping me not be stupid and do some research before spending $$$ I really don't have. Guess I go see Jeff out @ toyzunlimited and see what he can do since he is local instead of a blue million miles away from NC.
THX and owe you a :beer: or 2.
Check out a guy named dawgtoy on here he does great on 22rs. I can get you a number if you like. Worth your dimes if you know you can trust the engine builder.
That would b cool if I could get a number orv. I get on the board a bit but do not in log much and I do not know how to pm (as its changed from years ago) Does he (dawgtoy) sell whole engines or does he need 1 to be rebuilt?
thanks for the props orv. look forward to seein ya soon.

i'm about 2 months out to start another engine build. ( one on the stand about ready and one to pull
rebuild and install on my plate right now)
