Spark Plugs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
Hickory nc
Im going to be doing a tune up on my jeep this week and I was wondering what you guys think would be a good set of plugs to run in the jeep? It's a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee with the 5.2...also what is the stock gap for the plugs? Thanks for the help.
I have heard champions do well in mopar product but I hate them with a passion. NGK's or Autolites would be my choice, have used them in alot of stuff and they work well. If you buy them at a parts store they can tell you the plug gap and maybe even gap them for you.
like he said champions. They are the factory plug and i've allways heard it is best to run factory plugs, in a mopar atleast
Copper Champions for my 4.0 and 5.2. Platinum or any of those fancy multi tip ones are just a waste of money in a jeep motor in my opinion.
I do believe the gap is .035 I have always used autolite, when I could not get AC delco. Champions will work fine though.If you are doing the complete tune up put the best set of wires on it you can get.
I've always run the champion truck plugs. Put a set on ngk's in before and my jeep didn't run very well. Swapped back to the champions and all was well. Like mentioned before I've always seen the recommended gap at .035
Thanks for all the help! Going to pick up some champion plugs and a good set of wires tonight. My Jeep still has the factory mopar wires on it from where the previous owners just never did any sort of maintenance work on it :X