Spear Hunting

my best friends dad tried all this year and never could get a deer to cooperate (aka, get close enough broadside, looking away, with no other deer around to spot his movements) he made his spear out of a piece of threaded ss pipe about 3/8" diameter with a wood handle molded around it in the middle. iirc, he had a 125gr broadhead at one end.

he practiced like crazy before and during the season this year and was only able to get where he was comfortable throwing at <5yds. any farther and it wasnt really that accurate or it was semi accurate but didnt have enough energy to cleanly penetrate and humanely kill the deer in his opinion.

and no, it isnt "legal" he ask the game warden all hypothetical like and the warden bluntly said no. imho, it should qualify as a primitive weapon but the game warden thought otherwise.
The very definition of old-school... I like it.

I will buy a pint oif beer for any man who can hunt/kill an animal using a weapon propelled only by his own strength.
The very definition of old-school... I like it.
I will buy a pint oif beer for any man who can hunt/kill an animal using a weapon propelled only by his own strength.
Wouldn't a bow fall into this category?
This is the BEST quote on that website:
I've thought of trying to throw three spears at the same time, but even racking my brains I cannot come up with a way. I've even thought of the possibility of straps, etc. and my third leg, but even with 100 mg of Viagra it still just doesn't seem possible to do and my most understanding doctor refuses to double or triple the dosage- just flatly stating to me: "My hypocritical Oath just does not make provisions for this." Besides, the drug companies are supposed to be doing the testing and not you as an independent tester high in those trees of Africa and everywhere else. Man! Let me get to my next patient."
Wouldn't a bow fall into this category?

No, the propulsion comes from tension of the bowstring.

A simple slingshot (non elastic), however, would qualify... pelt that badboy in the noggin and yer golden.
i would love to petition the gov't to make this a recognized part of primitive weapons season. Not many people would do it, and maybe you could get a tag for it, which would probably weed out the irresponsible animal wounders.
i own two of these.
its called a Samburu spear
they are accurate within LONG distances with a little practice
a deer WILL die this year from one.
(if its legal... if its not then ill do it and then shoot it with buckshot right through the spear hole)

pshhh, just have your bow in the truck and tell the warden if he stops you that you took it with that. i seriously doubt they teach how to distinguish between bow killed deer and speared dear in game warden school.

oh and like i said earlier, according to the game warden that my friends dad talked to, its not legal.