I am installing waggy d44s under my cj. Going spring over and outboarding front springs. The drivers side spring is mounted to the center section . Whats the best way to remount the spring? Just grind a flat spot on the housing ?
I am doing the same thing to my YJ. I may be missing the boat, but how is the 1/4" off set going to make a difference in the mounting? If the drivers side is mounted on top of the center section, even with some grinding it will be almost 1/2" higher that the passenger side that is mounted on the tube. Do you raise the passenger side up to match the height or ??
Thanks is advance for the assistance.
The way I did mine was to make custom perches. One on the housing side just tall enough to clear the center pin, basically sitting on the housing on one side and the tube on the other. Then a taller one for the other side. The hard part was fitting the u bolt around the center section. Had to drill a hole in one of the webs, do some minor grinding and had two different size bolts.