Stainless steel corrosion


Mar 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
So, who knows about Stainless Steel (304) corrosion due to Chlorides or maybe something else chemical wise that might be found in a pool setting? Take a look at this corrosion and give me your guesses as to WTF is going on. this is a threaded rod of 304 SS that has been submerged in basically pool water for about 6 months.

304 stainless is stainless in name only. It has poor corrosion resistance compared to "good" stainless like 316. Also the fact that it is threaded gives a lot more pointed surfaces to easily corrode. Beyond that I have nothing useful to add without just googling for you.
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When I work in the photo lab industry we saw Stainless tanks corroding all the time. I would guess its the chlorine in the water. What other chemicals are put in pools?
I've never seen 300 series stainless oxidize like that. Is it a saltwater pool? Proper equipotential ground? Looks like it turned into an anode somehow
This is what I'm thinking. Stainless can corrode but that fast, and this style looks like an electrolysis effect.
Not all stainless is equal. That's the short answer. My question before it turned to poop would have been? How magnetic was it?
Silver zinc looks a lot like stainless to someone who doesn't know or care ;)
is it possible that isnt corrosion and is instead an algea or fungal growth?

That if you took a rag and wiped itd come clean?

Only asking because you say its a continent away and such
Is it a saltwater pool?
Wouldnt matter. Saltwater pools just use salt to make chlorine through their chlorinator. The water in the pool is identical (assuming both systems are installed set up right)
Silver zinc looks a lot like stainless to someone who doesn't know or care ;)
This was my first thought, followed by, giving them the benefit of doubt and suspecting some electrochemistry facilitating the reaction