Started my wieght loss:


Just another American with a gun!
May 25, 2009
Well I have been wanting to lose some weight for awhile now and I finally had the money so that my wife and I could join a gym. Last night I bought a scale and this morning I stepped on it (I swear it screamed in agony) and it read 304. My goal weight is 210 like I was in the military.

I went to the gym last night and talked with a trainer just to get a schedule down on what I needed to do and then worked out for about an hour. I plan on going 6-7 days a week alternating between weight training and cardio to lose the fat and gain the mass. I will keep track of my weight loss on here, my FB, and My fitness pal website. This way I have witnesses that may or may not be expecting a progress update and fuss at me for not having one (it will help me stay on track). Who better to trust and get encouragement than the guys that support pretty much everything else I'm interested in (hunting, fishing, WHEELING). So whish me luck on my new en-devour.
Ok, since you're asking for it....

How are you going to change your diet? Give up all sodas and double your intake of water helps alot.
I got a talking scale once, and I got on and it said "one at a time please".

Good luck.
Good luck man...I've never been small by any means (been over 300lbs for the last decade, but was always super active and not too sloppy), and I decided enough was enough, when I realized how sloppy I had gotten. About 3 months ago, when I hopped on a scale and it went over 350lbs. I ended up dropping 20lbs pretty quick, then when the losses weren't as noticable, I started getting discouraged and figured what's the point. I kept trucking through, and just started getting bored with the routines (even though I kept changing them up). So the last couple weeks I haven't gone at all and I returned to my same dietary habits.

I don't say that to discourage you, rather set up a game plan so you don't get bored with your diet, and so you don't get bored with your workouts. In the past, I realized a change of scenary really helps. IE, mimick the exercises you were planning on doing for the day and try to implement in to something you enjoy or wouldn't mind doing. In the past, I'd go swim at the lake for upper body/shoulder days, or find a drills/e-course to run...etc. etc.

I wish you luck man.
We have cut down red meat to about twice a month, we eat a lot more chicken, turkey, fruits, and veggies. My daily intake needs to be 2500 cal/day before workout/exercise. So since I will be shooting for 700 cal/day burn I need to have an intake of 3200 cal/day. Not only will this boost my metabolism but it will help with gaining mass. I will also majorly upping the water intake throughout the day I don't drink that much soda but I have to have my tea but I only get that about once a day. Nutrition wise we are doing SOOOO much better than the crap we used to eat. I have also started taking my vitamins again which are helping with my energy and metabolism.
Good luck man...I've never been small by any means (been over 300lbs for the last decade, but was always super active and not too sloppy), and I decided enough was enough, when I realized how sloppy I had gotten. About 3 months ago, when I hopped on a scale and it went over 350lbs. I ended up dropping 20lbs pretty quick, then when the losses weren't as noticable, I started getting discouraged and figured what's the point. I kept trucking through, and just started getting bored with the routines (even though I kept changing them up). So the last couple weeks I haven't gone at all and I returned to my same dietary habits.
I don't say that to discourage you, rather set up a game plan so you don't get bored with your diet, and so you don't get bored with your workouts. In the past, I realized a change of scenary really helps. IE, mimick the exercises you were planning on doing for the day and try to implement in to something you enjoy or wouldn't mind doing. In the past, I'd go swim at the lake for upper body/shoulder days, or find a drills/e-course to run...etc. etc.
I wish you luck man.

The schedule I have now I am going to keep for a month just get evened out. After that I'm going to change the routine. For example: I do full body cardio 4 days a week and weight training 3 days ( upper body, lower body, full body push/pull) right now. After a month I am going to full body cardio 3 days a week and weight training 4 days (full body push/pull, lower body, upper body). After the first month I will changing the workout every 2 weeks using different machines and weights. So basically I will confusing the crap out of my body and pretty much kicking my ass until I get down to my goal weight.
Went to the gym this evening and did 5 miles on the bike in 22 min. the rest of the 1.5 hour was doing pretty everything from the core down in weight training. Tomorrow is going to suck.
Stay away from the potatoes. Don't even look at bread, except maybe 2 slices of whole grain a day. Eat as much salad as you want, with very little dressing. When you are in the mood for a snack, popcorn is a good friend. Get tired of water, add just a little lemon and or orange juice, just enough to give it some color and flavor. Look at and pasta as poison. Chicken, is great, as long as it's not fried. Boiling it, the scorching it in a pan is actually very tasty. Fish, from a pan or deep fryer is the devil.
Deer meat, is OK in just about any form. most recommended meat from the heart association.
Cheat once or twice a week. A candy bar, or ice cream, will make you work harder to obtain.
Skim milk if you can tolerate it. might start with 2% and keep going lower till you reach Skim.

Good luck, You didn't reach your weight over night, and you won't lose it over night.
good luck kinda in the same boat, since we moved down here from jersey i gained 60lbs. since last year. there is a book that you by mens health called the big book of exercises, if you get bored with with your routine, it gives you tons of variations to change it up plus body weight exercises if you cant make it to the gym one day you can get it at barnes & noble for like $15 and they have one for women for your wife....but best of luck to both of you
I started my weight loss almost 2 years ago. Nothing happened untill about 4 months ago. I'm now down 28lbs and eating very little. OBTW don't do my program it's called (CLL) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It does work but has some other side effects.....:lol:
I started my weight loss almost 2 years ago. Nothing happened untill about 4 months ago. I'm now down 28lbs and eating very little. OBTW don't do my program it's called (CLL) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It does work but has some other side effects.....:lol:

Well if you look at the bright side of things at least your losing weight :tongue:
Well if you look at the bright side of things at least your losing weight :tongue:
The funny part is I wanted to lose weight so I can't complain. Someone told me one day I seam to take it good since I have an "incurable" cancer. I said heck nothing I can do to change it so no use crying about it. Besides it wont kill me for another 25-30 years most likely. Only part I don't like is my immune system is going to hell so I have to be careful of infections. Having lost the weight I'm now off my cholesterol meds and my blood pressure is doing good. I had been on cholesterol meds for 4 years and last 2 tests mine was great so the doctor said I didn’t need them. Another good side effect is now that I don’t eat as much I tend to eat less but better quality food and my diabetes (type 2) is doing great. My A1C fell from a high of 10.3 to 6.1. If you are diabetic you know that’s a huge drop and a good one. what a workout! I've never been a fat one. I just want to get rid of the tub. This workouts about 1-1/2 hours long consisting of cardiovascular, weights or bands and even yoga. If you can get through the first week of pain it gets a little easier. I really like the routine. I've not done it in a couple of weeks due to work, vacation and my son's surgery. So I am dreading going through he hurt again.

I could really tell a difference in the tub going away and the way I feel. I highly recommend it.
Just in the short amount of time I have been going to the gym I have noticed a couple of changes. 1) I'm hungry all the time now so my metabolism has shot through the roof. 2) I have more energy than I did last week. 3) I'm actually feeling better about myself. My only real issue with all of this working out and such is that the knee that I had 3 surgeries on starts to hurt within just a few min of working out. It makes me not want to do it a little but I just push through the pain and wait for it to go numb, lol. Gonna take the weekend off for now until I'm a little more used to it then I'll do it everyday. My body is screaming at me ATM and I don't want to push it and risk hurting myself.
Well I took the weekend off and now I get to start it all back up. I also found out that swimming for about an hour burns a ton of Cal. The good thing about that is that the kids love going to the pool, I'll just have to go early enough.
Big thing that helps is cut down on breads and pastas. I have a reument plan that my work uses called couch to 5k where in about 10 weeks you can go from a couch potato to running a 5k. If you would like a copy I can send it to you. what a workout! I've never been a fat one. I just want to get rid of the tub. This workouts about 1-1/2 hours long consisting of cardiovascular, weights or bands and even yoga. If you can get through the first week of pain it gets a little easier. I really like the routine. I've not done it in a couple of weeks due to work, vacation and my son's surgery. So I am dreading going through he hurt again.

I could really tell a difference in the tub going away and the way I feel. I highly recommend it.

I did the entire thing. All 12 weeks. I wasn't large by any stretch and was in OK shape before I started. I'm actually starting over today. I took 3 weeks off between. I'm doing the "Lean" track.

I was 185 and 6'
I lost 10 lbs and I'm going for 5 more, but I want my pooch gone.

Overall I didn't lose much weight, I transfered it to muscle. I'm in so much better shape than I was for the last 5 years.

But I'd say someone who wants to lose 100lbs needs to consult somebody who knows what they are doing and can monitor your progress, not take advice from people on the internet.
Congrats on gettin it going! A majority of the country cant even do that!

GubNi and upnover have it down, on nutrition.

Im a workout freak, alot of the times doing too much. Always make sure your body has some recovery time. Remember about your eating, dropping your caloric intake is good, but only to a point. You shouldn't be under 1800 a day.

If your wanting to take it serious, make sure you have at least a 1/2 gram of protein per pound of body weight, i'd lean more towards 1 gram per pound. Just my .02

I do have a Nutritional Fitness certificate from Florida State College-Jacksonville.
Swimming is great exercise. I have bad hips and was doing a water aerobics class as a way to stay fit. You can regulate your effort by upping the pace or using bigger float weights.

While I've never had a weight problem (actually the opposite) I have seen a huge improvement in my overall health in the last few years from not drinking soda and watching the amount of sweet tea I drink, and simply drinking water.. I actually enjoy plain old water..

My wife has been force feeding me lots more vegis, again to the point where I actually like them plain or with little fixing up.

Also reduce your salt intake to proper amount. I watch my salt due to my heart, but no I also read the other counts on everything I buy. Its amazing the large difference in one similar looking product to another...

The only advice I have is no matter what exercise your doing you need to keep your heart rate up...

As others have suggested, I'd visit your doctor for an overall checkup have em run your blood work just to see how you are and establish a baseline for yourself.

Keep it up...
Well I just busted my ace tonight along with my wife. I did a 7 min warmup on the bike, 33 min vigorous walk on the treadmill with a 3.0 incline (I accidentally hit the stop button on the bar at 13 min so I started over with another 20 min, lol.). Then I did 35-40 min of weight lifting starting at my core, then upper, then legs. Core and back at 110lbs each 3 sets of 15. Lat pull down, bench press (shoulder/chest), bench press (chest/tricep) 3 sets of 15 100lbs. Leg press 3 sets of 15 195lbs., calf raises 3 sets of 15 210lbs.

So yeah I completely kicked my ace tonight. Tomorrow is a lower body day and cardio. Thanks for all the support guys it's really cool that you guys get behind someone you don't know and support them. So glad I join this site all those years ago.
Just in the short amount of time I have been going to the gym I have noticed a couple of changes. 1) I'm hungry all the time now so my metabolism has shot through the roof. 2) I have more energy than I did last week. 3) I'm actually feeling better about myself. My only real issue with all of this working out and such is that the knee that I had 3 surgeries on starts to hurt within just a few min of working out. It makes me not want to do it a little but I just push through the pain and wait for it to go numb, lol. Gonna take the weekend off for now until I'm a little more used to it then I'll do it everyday. My body is screaming at me ATM and I don't want to push it and risk hurting myself.

i noticed the same things since i started going to the gym, plus now i feel more rested when i wake up in the morning if that makes sense....i started doing 40 min on the eliptical, 20 min on the treadmill and then weight training for and hour or 2 for 5 days a week