Starter problems


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Creedmoor, NC
Starter is slow to disengage. It hangs on for a second or two after the ignition is released. Motor was replaced last week and I suppose they re-used the starter from my motor. I can take it back but if it just needs a shim then I can knock that out in no time. Do the 4.0 motors use shims with factory starters? Could that be the problem or might it be something else?
the 4.0 doesn't have shims. if it did it before the swap too, then bad starter. if it started doing it after the motor swap, check tight connections but otherwise it's still the starter itself and just one of those coincidence things. its happened to me a couple times. just like battery terminals can be soooo corroded and charge but sometimes you take one off to work on it, put it back and now no charge cause your battery is bad and you lost that good connection that was holding it together.
Did the installers re-install the metal plate between the engine and transmission? If not, the starter will hang up for that reason also.
Did the installers re-install the metal plate between the engine and transmission? If not, the starter will hang up for that reason also.

Amazing how many times Ive ran into the shade tree guy who says "you dont need that 'dust plate' its just something else to get in the way" on either old 4.0 or old SBF motors...
I agree. theres certain things that aren't needed but that I always thought would be a given that's needed.