Startup Survey

He said he paid for aggregators....that will not work if the item is mis-spelled. So he may miss something!

I changed directions at the word 'Otherwise'. Yes, there are instances where I want exactly what I want, and I'm willing to pay for it...but I don't see a website necessarily accomplishing what I want. Those specific instances would be if I'm dropping money cross country, I want options and don't want to get burned and want an assessment on the vehicle and so I don't have to be on the phone coordinating shipping (just gambled on a truck out of Florida and had to eat shipping both ways after I returned it). Then there are other times (the majority of the time), when I'm specifically searching for a 1976 galaxie or 1967 galaxy or 1967 ford...doing the legwork to hopefully find a steal that won't have as many eyes on it. I've bought many vehicles and parts with the wrong year typed in or the wrong PN typed in that the seller didn't realize was wrong, so they take whatever offer I give after it's been sitting for a couple weeks. And then so you're not a jerk...'hey, I think you listed it wrong, and it's worth more'...give them an extra benjamin or two, they feel like they won and I walk away with a clear conscience. Or the other instance is...I know exactly what I want, I can find it locally without much effort, and then it's just a matter of whether I want to pay for it or not.
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I changed directions at the word 'Otherwise'. Yes, there are instances where I want exactly what I want, and I'm willing to pay for it...but I don't see a website necessarily accomplishing what I want. Those specific instances would be if I'm dropping money cross country, I want options and don't want to get burned and want an assessment on the vehicle and so I don't have to be on the phone coordinating shipping (just gambled on a truck out of Florida and had to eat shipping both ways after I returned it). Then there are other times (the majority of the time), when I'm specifically searching for a 1976 galaxie or 1967 galaxy or 1967 ford...doing the legwork to hopefully find a steal that won't have as many eyes on it. I've bought many vehicles and parts with the wrong year typed in or the wrong PN typed in that the seller didn't realize was wrong, so they take whatever offer I give after it's been sitting for a couple weeks. And then so you're not a jerk...'hey, I think you listed it wrong, and it's worth more'...give them an extra benjamin or two, they feel like they won and I walk away with a clear conscience. Or the other instance is...I know exactly what I want, I can find it locally without much effort, and then it's just a matter of whether I want to pay for it or not.

I get it. I have similar tactics. I don't see Clist going away.

Yyou guys did help me with an epiphany....I appreciate it