Steering Is at 5:00 while pitman arm is parallel to the frame.


The Stig's NC cousin
Apr 24, 2010
Pisgah Forest, NC
‘99 TJ
I’m not sure what I’ve broke but as I started taking the steering box off it go me thinking. I thought I had striped the gears inside the box but I’ve never had an kind of clicks or grinds in my steering.

Is it possible I striped the splines that connect the steering wheel to the shaft? It doesn’t look like I’ve twisted the shaft.

Any thought as to exactly what I’ve broke?
Are you sure you dont just have the pitman arm indexed wrong
How many turns lock to lock on each side? Sounds like something is indexed wrong when it was put back together. But your description sounds like it happened during use and you haven't taken it apart?
Bent draglink?
Count turns lock to lock.
Divide by 2.
Turn back that many turns and set wheel to 12:00.
Install pitman arm. Should be parallel to frame rails.

Or just call me when you have a free minute buddy
I was under the assumption that the pitman arm can only go on specific splines. I haven’t taken it off yet, but if I can just index it back then that’s what I’ll do.

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Does everything seem to function correctly still? Hydro assist?

It is unlikely, but over time the servo in the steering box could allow some slippage between the wheel and gear box.
My key wouldnt turn the ignition switch once and I snatched on the steering wheel so hard it stripped. Seems like there was a steel insert in the pot metal wheel itself.
‘99 TJ
I’m not sure what I’ve broke but as I started taking the steering box off it go me thinking. I thought I had striped the gears inside the box but I’ve never had an kind of clicks or grinds in my steering.

Is it possible I striped the splines that connect the steering wheel to the shaft? It doesn’t look like I’ve twisted the shaft.

Any thought as to exactly what I’ve broke?
I'm going through the same crap right now.
Couple weeks ago, I was moving "a little too fast" :D and hit a rock in a ditch, busted the tire off the rim.
I put my spare on and started driving and got a little nervous. Steering wheel was sloppy as hell and wasn't very responsive at all.

The 'straight' position for my steering wheel was completely upside down and then some.
It was scarey loose and if you rotated it lock to lock it would come back to 3 and 6 only half the time.
The other half the time it would rotate way over to like 11 and 7.
I don't know how the steering boxes work but I know something aint right.

I'm in the middle of swapping the box now, new hoses and new tie rod ends for good measure.
I'd suggest you do the same if you've been wheelin on it hard for years.
Rockauto is giving me $150 for my trash... I mean Core.
Once I get the damn pitman arm off.:mad:

Comparing movement on the old steering box, I can spin the gear by one hand.
I can NOT spin the gear on the rebuilt box with one hand unless I try really hard.
So yeah something aint right on the inside and i aint fuckin with it.
swap it is.

Thinking about going hydro assist, I picked up a great looking spare at junkyard for $45.

2017-11-05 10.37.12.jpg
The only real thing inside a steering box that could shift positions is the servo. It is possible that the pitman or sector spline could twist with enough force. Yippy could also shear the teeth on the rack/pinion, but you would know it.

Slop/play or shifting is likely due to something in the linkage, either in the column or draglink/tierod.