Steering locks up Occasionally on sas yota


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2009
Kings Mountain nc
Every once in awhile, mostly turning left my steering locks up completly. I can’t even force it, I have to turn it all the way back the other way to free it. There’s nothing binding up externally. It’s a yota axle with a spartan locker. The steering box is moved forward a few inches. It can be scary when it happens in an intersection. Any ideas?
Jack the front up, take the front wheels off, and cycle the steering. See what happens.

Is this a new problem, or has this existing since the SAS?
Sounds like a problem inside the box, since you say turning it the other way will unlock it.
Post a picture or two.

Is the pitman going over-center in one direction? This is likely going to be something really simple that is staring you right in the face, like tie rod or pitman geometry..