steve jobs died


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
Wow, didn't know it was that bad, RIP
Very innovative guy for sure.
When he left Apple, I knew it wouldn't be long. Proof there is no cure for cancer.
Pancreatic cancer is a
Did he die from cancer? I know it said he HAD it, but he also had a liver transplant a few years back. Dude has looked more and more sick and frail every time I saw a picture of him, I kind of expected this to happen although not so soon.
I will go ahead and say it. I just dont get all the Steve Jobs dick sucking going on today. He died. Ok. Who cares? If any of you know him personally, then I apologize....... Otherwise i will say again, who gives a shit?

Edit: This post isnt directed to anyone on here, but mainly facebook/every other site on teh internet with people "grieving" and talking about this....... this really gets on my nerves for some reason. I'm not happy over anyone dying, but there are lots of people who do do way more good in this world who die every day and get no recognition......
On the same note.... why should anyone get worked up about prolific deaths if you didn't actually know the person? ever thought it was a shame to lose someone that you didn't know, just because of what they did? Astronauts aren't important, current and prior presidents aren't important, founding fathers of our country aren't important, etc, based on your reasoning. He did way more for technology evolution that most people could ever dream about doing, and that is noteworthy in my opinion. I'm not going to lose sleep over it tonight, but it is a shame to lose progressive-minded visionaries such as him. Ben Franklin was never president, but I'm sure a lot of people took note of his death.

He didn't really contribute much to society other than his technological advancements and probably some philanthropic endeavors, but that alone provided more than most people could realize.
I will go ahead and say it. I just dont get all the Steve Jobs dick sucking going on today. He died. Ok. Who cares? If any of you know him personally, then I apologize....... Otherwise i will say again, who gives a shit?

QFT. Everyone is making such a big deal about him being such a technical genius. Seriously? All the guy did was repackage what already existed into a nice little pretty looking box and sell it for 10x as much. :shaking:
He did way more for technology evolution that most people could ever dream about doing, and that is noteworthy in my opinion.

William Shatner and Adolph Hitler more for technology than Steve Jobs.
I'm not very tech savvy, knew the Steve Jobs name, and from what I know about him, he was a good thing for technology. A death of a good person is never good, but I have to echo some of the opinions here...if you weren't personally connected to this guy, stop being such a drama queen (generally speaking of course). I think obsevance of the guy is definitely required, but if you're getting up in arms and you didn't give a rats ass about the guy before...stop grabbing for attention. But I feel the same way about most the people that become the best patriots around on the 4th of July, but couldn't give two shits about patriotism the rest of the year...or the folks that only remember 9/11 on 9/11... etc. etc.
...other than his technological advancements and probably some philanthropic endeavors...

Actually, he either didn't give to charity or he (possibly) did so inconspicuously. When he became CEO of Apple, he halted all corporate philanthropic efforts. He refused to sign on with Warren Buffet and Bill Gates to give away half of his wealth before or at his death.

Only interesting, at least to me, because of the way everyone is mourning him... yet the "rich" are typically badmouthed as being greedy and needing to do more or give back or pay it forward.
Anyone who believes that Steve jobs had no impact on our Society and only "All the guy did was repackage what already existed into a nice little pretty looking box and sell it for 10x as much." Needs to take the horse blinders off. No software company or Computer company would be where they are today with out his visions.

Steve Jobs brought more to our Society than most can ever dream of.

It's just a crying shame he was a Liberal, Obama Supporting Weiner when it came to Political views.

I'm not very tech savvy, knew the Steve Jobs name, and from what I know about him, he was a good thing for technology. A death of a good person is never good, but I have to echo some of the opinions here...if you weren't personally connected to this guy, stop being such a drama queen (generally speaking of course). I think obsevance of the guy is definitely required, but if you're getting up in arms and you didn't give a rats ass about the guy before...stop grabbing for attention. But I feel the same way about most the people that become the best patriots around on the 4th of July, but couldn't give two shits about patriotism the rest of the year...or the folks that only remember 9/11 on 9/11... etc. etc.

Oh, and Well said!
With out Steve Jobs i doubt that Pixar would have made it so big.. I didn't even know he did the i phone thing ...

Pixar started out life as George Lucas' lucasfilms. by the time steve jobs came around they had a pretty hefty resume.
Anyone who believes that Steve jobs had no impact on our Society and only "All the guy did was repackage what already existed into a nice little pretty looking box and sell it for 10x as much." Needs to take the horse blinders off. No software company or Computer company would be where they are today with out his visions.

So Microsoft wouldn't be where it is today without Apple? Sure thing.

Seriously, all Apple products are just underpowered fancy looking devices that do the same thing as much cheaper products. Steve Jobs was more of a MARKETING genius than a tech genius.
I think the only thing Steve Jobs did was advance technology through competition. The guy was a marketing whiz like previously mentioned, so the other companies had to work to make their products even better because they had to try and steal some of the spotlight from all the Apple douchebaggery.

And Cydney is right about his philanthropic level, it was nonexistent.