stiffer tb spring??


New Member
Jun 7, 2009
morganton nc
i have a 98 xj and when im wheelin my gas petal is too soft or easy to mash with makes me hit the gas when i hit a rock or bump or what ever throws me around. i dont feel like i have the best control over the petal i was wonderin if i could stiffin it up a bit
I dont know how close you sit to the pedal, but try and slide your seat back a notch or two, and sinch up your lap belt a little tighter, that may help keep you foot off the skinny pedal when you dont want it. Also try one foot on gas and one foot on brake driving. It a little weird at first but you can get use to it.

If this doesnt help, or you already tried it or are doing it, you might be better off going to the parts store and pick up a stock tb spring and double it up.
k but when im in the throttle and bounceing around sitting closer want help i dont think but i will try the spring thing
I know exactly what youre talking about, sounds just like the Mopar MPI I put on my CJ. I added another linear spring, had to add an angle breacket somewhere to attach the other end too. Its way better, more driveable offroad. Before that, it was impossibloe to modulate. Strange thing, my 99XJ is fine, and I am the only owner, maybe its the crawl ratio.
k but when im in the throttle and bounceing around sitting closer want help i dont think but i will try the spring thing

sorry I wasnt clear. Sit farther back, not closer. And thats assuming its auto. I can understand if its manual not being able to stretch out the gas leg cause of the dang ole clutch. But I still like manuals. Good luck with it.:beer:
i understand what your saying......but if my foot is on the petal it dont matter where im sittin if i get throwed forward while mashing the gas its goin to mash harder.
yeah thats what im saying... i have no need to '' three foot it '' so i really dont know what good it will be for me besides looking cool
skinny pedal

try rolling your foot over some, and wedge the right side of your foot up against the tranny tunnel, using the ball of your foot to control the well for me, and then you can keep your seat in its original location, and dont have to worry about blowing a bead (unless you have beadlocks). i first tried this on the gravel road on URE, when it gets really rutted, and i must say, it made a HUGE difference. HTH
I can't speak for the design of your XJ pedal, but I was having a similar problem with my 03 GMC Dmax with the drive by wire pedal when I go over speed bumps, learned there was an easy fix for it and it was a common problem with those trucks. The pedal return spring was super soft, so I took it with me into home depot, and found a spring that was close to the same length, but with a higher spring rate. Replaced it, problem solved.