Stock market investments now or later and who?

I challenge you to start thinking about the market in a different way. Was it this news that caused this bounce or was it the fact that any firm or fund (the real market makers) that shorted some of this drop in the past few weeks all had converging profit targets on a 1:2 risk/reward ratio all at about the same point on the chart?
It could have also been that the S&P500 did hit the 10% down level right after lunch, which may have triggered some buying.
You got this one right on the money though. We just trying to ride the coat tails of all the people you listed and their manipulations. That's the game.
I think this is the key, tome.

I like to use a card analogy. A good poker player can absolutely tilt the odds in their favor by reading the players and knowing the odds and playing the odds. But even the best poker player will sometimes get beat by the idiot pushing in with pocket 2s catching 2 more on the reveal.

Charts, tips, history can give you some insight into market forces and human emotions and somewhat predict most likely happenings.
What drives me crazy, and I am not suggest @Will Carter is doing this, per se, but all too often stock bros will proclaim and confuse that the charts "caused" the action. The charts had no impact, they are just an indicator of what happened other similar times.

Back to the card analogy. Its a single deck game of black jack. Just because you can see (3) 2s in the discard...its less likely that the draw is a 2...but there is still a 2 floating in there somewhere...

Im a boring buy and hold investor in the market. It aint sexy, but Ill beat 98% of traders over the long haul. The 2% will either get lucky and get out forever, or they will end up billionaire ex-pats. There is no other option.
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