Stock up Cheap Gas!

rodney eppes

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
Mt.Holly NC 28120
Noon news today, stated that the under $2 / gallon gas, will probably end this week. OPEC, which has been pumping overtime, will cut it's production this weekend. Naturally the industry will start raising prices, & it's possible gas will be $3 /gallon, by Spring! Seems the normal pattern for spring & summer.
It has been sweet, while it lasted!:driver:
I hear GM has a lot of small cheap cars, that need to sell.:(
Please explain......I think you have reason. Ed- u-ma-cate me?

This one has no profound reasoning behind it other than personal self-gain. Cheap trucks, cheap 'over sized' tires, less idiots on the road, less people clogging up my favorite places to be. Tires and trucks, if you can hold on to them until the market swings back, you can make damn good money on them. The other two, I just hate waiting in line.