stolen tools


no shirt,no shoes,no dice
Mar 24, 2005
man I'm so pissed off, I'm not sure what happened. At pullapart in Winston today, I just had this weird feeling as I was walking around. I had a wheelbarrow with my toolbag in it, and I had kickass 1/4" drive Blue Point socket set in the bag. I noticed a lot of solo people wandering around with no tools or parts, was kind of wondering wtf they were up to, dunno. But, I blew it off and began hunting. I got what I needed and was wondering around checking stuff out. I guess I strayed a little far from my wheelbarrow, no more than one row, then I noticed my socket set was missing. It had been about 15 minutes since I used it and I had covered a lot of ground in that time. I felt helpless, backtracked, I'm 99.9% sure I didnt leave anywhere. DAMMIT I'm pissed off, gonna have to let cool off somehow.
First rule of pull a part is never walk away from your tools. I have had my wheelbarrow full of tools 5 feet away from me and had people try to steal tools. I nearly beat one mexican dude with a 1/2 in ratchet.
Not to pile on, but take shitty tools to pull-a-part. Leave the Snap-On stuff at home.
Sucks man fuck thieves!!! I would be beyond pissed if any of my tools went missing.
sorry dude that sucks. My rule of thumb is just try to not go alone.
Tony call me on Sunday and I will help u out....
Whenever I go to a PNP I go in with whatever I can carry in my pockets.Usually a #2 phillips,med sized visegrips,and 3-4 popular sized ratchet wrenches.I always look before I pull anything unless somebody is lurkin around somethin I'm intersted in.If I find something that requires more tools than I have on me I make a trip back to the truck and get my tools,and I never use the wheel barrows.I have one of those wire mesh garden wagons w inflatable tires.I usually dont carry my good tools w me but I always have my 18volt snap-on impact.It makes life alot easier.
that sucks Tony. Hopefully Snappy can hook you up. I don't let my tools out of my sight at the PAP. I will only loan out a tool if the other guy leaves his phone or some cash.
Sucks man, always go with atleast one buddy, have had the Mexicans come up to us a few times but they usually walk off once they realize we know they are looking
I had a bunch of electric powertools stolen out of my locked truck toolbox years ago. I was very upset cause I knew it was someone In the semi private apartments we lived in then. They destroyed my toolbox also, while I was asleep. Theives suck.
Damn. I'm going to the PAP in Charlotte in the morning.
Guess the g22 is also. :uzi:
I hate a thief.
Yep ... the place looked like zombieville with a bunch of shamblers walking around.
We were there looking for Ford parts ... nuther rant but not here.
I always carry a tool bag. It's either in my hand or right in front of me, and has just what I need to get what I want.
I just hate I have to dis-arm to go in.

Charlotte is a lot worse....hell i didnt know ws got like that, havnt been up there in awhile
I guess it has
Yep ... the place looked like zombieville with a bunch of shamblers walking around...
exactly. It wasnt quite like that last few times I've been there, which was probably 3x late mid-last year
Hell I had some peeps get a little to close to the pisser when I was inside, had my wheelbarrow parked next to it.. SO I kicked the door open a bit and they stopped walking towards me... Nothing serious but I think they simply look for opportunity. I did feel myself slipping into NY mode and eyeball everyone as they pass me.

But as said I generally pack a small handheld tool bag with just what I need. Otherwise a group outing is good..
sounds like a good place to take a concealed paintball gun to alert the tool borrowers that you don't loan out you tools!!:huggy:
I carry a cheap POS Stanley SAE/metric socket set and everything else in a plastic bucket (great for carrying parts/bolts). Having something for each arm keeps you balanced... opening the socket set on the bucket keeps it off the ground & offers a place for other tools.

Never had a problem at the W-S PAP, but with all the zombies (no tools, no parts... just wandering around), I'm always mindful of where they are.

If anyone needs a "backup" here in W-S, give me a yell! I'm minutes away...

Hell I had some peeps get a little to close to the pisser when I was inside, had my wheelbarrow parked next to it.. SO I kicked the door open a bit and they stopped walking towards me... Nothing serious but I think they simply look for opportunity. I did feel myself slipping into NY mode and eyeball everyone as they pass me.

Pisser? How dainty.
I just piss on the side of a van.
I usually open the door and piss on the driver's seat and steering wheel.
Don't want to oxidize the paint or anything.
(I kid :beer:)
sounds like a good place to take a concealed paintball gun to alert the tool borrowers that you don't loan out you tools!!:huggy:

LOL, now that sounds like fun! Hit them in the back of the head, then duck down behind a car.
In hindsight (while PaP isn't "responsible for lost/stolen tools") the PoPo on duty there probably wouldn't mind being immediately alerted and obliged to check toolboxes/bags/buckets for stolen tools... assuming there were distinguishing marks (initials, stickers, etc) on the set to prove it's ownership?

I mean, most of the zombies wouldn't risk stashing a nice set of tools for someone else to find/claim and be more likely to haul it out that day...