streaming music


no shirt,no shoes,no dice
Mar 24, 2005
what are the options for streaming music from the 'net? I guess its allowed at work here, got some headphones plugged in to my computer, been listening to I-heart radio for a few weeks now. Its alright, I'm too lazy to mess with any settings and creat playlists, it seems diffucult to listen to one group or album, it keeps switching to similar artists.
I listen to I heart radio as well. Playing a certain bands stuff cant be done from what I've seen. Overall it
works fine for me. Id like other options too
I use Pandora. It's gonna be the same way as far as just playing similar styles. I don't know if that changes when u upgrade to a pay account, and I ain't gonna pay for radio to find out.

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I use pandora to, it does what I need it to. If I type in a artist it will come up with the same type songs.

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I also use Pandora. Creating stations based on a band is simple enough, and you can thumbs up or down similar stuff that it plays. You can also adjust the 'station' if you need to in order to add a second 'seed' band or to disallow some band you never want to hear. It's actually pretty cool because I've found stuff I'd never heard of but really like.

Your best bet for listening to an entire album is to look for it on youtubes... I've found several studio albums posted and also entire concerts from teevee.
I listen to Pandora... Religiously. Sometimes I even hear new songs that I would have never heard of if not for Pandora.
Pandora for me also.

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I listen to Pandora on my phone and the stereo in my truck is Pandora campatible so Im usually listening to it there too. The key with Pandora is to stay on top of your music, thiumbs up what you like and thumbs down what you dont, a lot. It takes a while but eventually it will build a nice playlist for you that seldom plays music you dont like. Also as someone mentioned above, you can "seed" your stations with multiple artisits to get some variety.
I think you can also share your pandora stations with friends...
Pandora, Google Play, jango, spotify and slacker. I alternate because I get sick of my own Pandora station and Google Play. As for the Pandora station I must have liked a certain genre because all I get now is Snoop Dogg and Jurassic 5. Once in a while it's OK but everytime I turn it on they play the same tunes. I'm liking Google Play because you can upload your playlist and then stream it back without it eating as much battery on my phone.
I mostly use Pandora, but I also use Audiogalaxy. Audiogalaxy will stream music from your home PC to wherever you're listening. which is nice for when you are wanting to listen to something specific.
My vote is for pandora also. I stream it off my phone when im in the truck. Works great. Finetune is another site you can stream music from and of course you already use iheartradio.