Street legal SXS's


time to sell the 4x4s and get an SxS. Can you get from Winston to Uwharrie on 35mph roads only?

time to sell the 4x4s and get an SxS. Can you get from Winston to Uwharrie on 35mph roads only?
You can ride a SXS on roads upto 55mph, but you cannot ride them on 4+ lane roads.
Correct and I see need for lots of used motors when guys run them for long times at high rpms!

Haha yup. Even with a reman being $2-3k, Im surprised at how expensive I see them with a blown engine or trans.
Is there a list of accepted SxS's somewhere that are ok for NC?
This might actually make a Roxor worth owning.
No, there's no list. Essentially, YOU have to ensure that whatever you intend to legalize meets NC's list of requirements.
My real question is, do you have to get a tag for it? Does it need to be inspected, and if so is that setup through the DMV?

I assume it is similar to a mintruck, but cant seem to find details about that either.
The state wants their tax money! They see all these 20k+ machines running around and people not claiming them on their property tax form, but they found a way to make everybody do it willingly :D
Looking at the modified utility vehicle part of the Bill, it states that a modified utility vehicle that does not have a VIN at time of application will be assigned a VIN. Would this allow tube chassis rock crawlers to get a VIN and become street legal if it had all the safety requirements?

Would love to get my buggy a VIN and street legal for driving at certain off-road parks.
Looking at the modified utility vehicle part of the Bill, it states that a modified utility vehicle that does not have a VIN at time of application will be assigned a VIN. Would this allow tube chassis rock crawlers to get a VIN and become street legal if it had all the safety requirements?

Would love to get my buggy a VIN and street legal for driving at certain off-road parks.

I would think that using that path or the Custom vehicle path would allow you. The real question is, can you get it insured afterwards?
I would think that using that path or the Custom vehicle path would allow you. The real question is, can you get it insured afterwards?

My insurance agent says he can write a policy for anything that has a VIN number. I'm sure I'd have to have an appraisal done or provide receipts for parts, which wouldn't be an issue.

My main reason for wanting to do this is to get a VIN and get my buggy insured. Plus have tags for driving at certain parks.
My insurance agent says he can write a policy for anything that has a VIN number. I'm sure I'd have to have an appraisal done or provide receipts for parts, which wouldn't be an issue.

My main reason for wanting to do this is to get a VIN and get my buggy insured. Plus have tags for driving at certain parks.

good luck. I heard the same from no less than 15 agents. My buggy was an “81cj5”. Unless I paid a 10% annual premium for an inland marine policy, I could only get the minimum required by the state. Beyond that, I tried to get coverage in case it was stolen or caught fire. They would only cover an amount up to the value of an average 81 CJ5. It didn’t matter what receipts or pictures I had, they absolutely wouldn’t cover any beyond average value if an 81cj5.

You may have better luck, but keep in mind, just because an agent takes your $ for the coverage you think you are getting, make dang sure you are actually covered. Make dang sure it’s actually in the written policy otherwise it’s worth nothing.
Since there seems to be no reliable source of info on this even now I asked our local DMV inspector she's super easy to work with sent me all this info, I'll see about getting the Ranger and rzr register next week

Modified Utility Vehicle Q & A
License and Theft Bureau Specific

  1. When selecting “SUV” what is the station to select when the MUV does not have a windshield and a wiper?
  • Some analyzers are showing pass and fail as the only options and not N/A.
The only applicable option for the stations to select when conducting the inspection, if not able to select n/a, is “pass”.
Selecting “fail” will obviously not update the STARS table as it will show as a failing outcome and selecting “corrected” will create confusion (signature) and incorrect statistics.

  1. If a windshield & wiper are not there, should the presenter of this vehicle produce the DOT approved helmet that is required by law if no windshield?
Stations are not authorized to require a helmet to pass inspection.

  1. If the analyzer prompts, once “SUV” is selected, what should be listed for Tampers? (N/A or pass).
The analyzers should allow a tech to enter “n/a” for every tamper item.
However, if a tech inspects a MUV equipped with emission components (some have 02 sensors, EVAP, etc.) that have been tampered, should they fail the vehicle? Although we will experience pushback, the answer is “yes”.

  1. Makers that are not motorcycle manufacturers such as Yamaha, Honda, etc. are not being recognized as a valid Make, what should be entered when this occurs?
Each analyzer manufacturer added an option in the Make table to allow for a keyed entry.
Since the NCAS document didn’t provide strict guidance on this requirement, the option may be “not in list”, “other”, or some other entry to signify that the information requires a manual entry. Once the tech selects the appropriate option, they will be prompted to enter the first four (4) characters of the Make.

  1. Are MUVs required to have DOT approved tires? Most standard stock tires on MUVs say off road use only.
Email response from Drew Marsh on 09/28 – “Ref your specific question on “DOT”, I don’t see that in the statute. Nor have I found any reference to that approval in 19A NCAC.03D 0500 and following.”
FMVSS is mainly applicable to on-road vehicles, and MUVs are manufactured for off-road purposes. Therefore, unless a regulation is created to state otherwise, a MUV is not required to have “DOT” approved tires to pass inspection.

  1. When an MUV is equipped with a windshield, should it meet DOT standard?
The FMVSS related to window glazing (205), Glazing Materials, is not applicable for off-road vehicles. However, GS 20-135, Safety Glass, is a factor we should consider when/if we examine a MUV.
Of course, this creates another question, how are we to determine if a vehicle has “safety glass” and is there a specific requirement (AS?)?
Motor vehicles are required to utilize AS1 windshields and in the past, we have required LSVs to install a AS4/AS5 windshield (glass vs polycarbonate). To conform to statute, when a windshield is installed on a MUV, we would require an AS4 level or equivalent level.
  1. A dealer’s license is required to sell 5 or more, being this meet the definition of a “motor vehicle” correct?
Section 2.3 of SL 2021-33, states, “…This term does not include a modified utility vehicles…”, exempting a person/entity from a dealers license when buying/selling MUVs.

  1. Buyers’ Guides are required for used MUV’s?
Not applicable to MUVs.

  1. Odometer/Damage disclosures are needed for a dealer sale, correct? (Asked as not sure how differing brands are manufactured in miles or hours as they are “off road vehicles in theory)
Dealers license not required.

  1. 20-183.4C(1) and 20-183.4C(2) does apply to MUV’s?
MUVs are required to meet the safety inspection requirements, not to be confused with applicable sections of 20-183.4C that related to dealers.

  1. A dealer needs to run a standard (vehicle) size dealer plate on the vehicle and not a motorcycle size plate, correct? (Most selling these are motorcycle dealers without ID/FD plates)
An entity is not required to have a dealers license to sell an MUV but in the case that a person selling a MUV is a dealer, and the vehicle is part of the inventory, they may display a dealer plate on the vehicle.
There is no standard/regulation which states a dealer must use a specific size plate on a vehicle, nor is there regulation preventing a motorcycle dealer from displaying a MD plate on a MUV.

Email dated 10/06 from John Congleton: “I do not see any direct authority addressing the use of motorcycle plates on vehicles other than motorcycles. However, my thought about the motorcycle plate is that because a motorcycle is a completely different class of vehicle than an MUTV, motorcycle plates (dealer, manufacturer or otherwise) should only be applicable for use on motorcycles.”
This information has been provided to the Commissioners office with a recommendation that the Commissioner address this concern in a rule.

  1. There is no exemption preventing a farmer from getting farm tags on this vehicle type, correct?

  1. Are owners of MUVs required to install a hand lever parking break or does the park engagement on the column work?
GS 121.1 (2a) requires “parking brakes”, not specifying the manner of application.
Interesting, statute doesn’t define the term parking brakes or emergency brakes, both used to describe the same mechanism, and admin code only refers to handbrakes.
Many vehicles manufactured don’t have a “handbrake” so we must assume that if a vehicle has an emergency/parking brake that meets the grading criteria contained in 19A NCAC 03D .0532, it should pass inspection.

  1. Does the reflector need to have a raised lens cover or can it be applied tape reflector?
Admin code has one mention of “reflector”, under headlights, and only refers to clean and bright. NC Statute fails to define the term “reflex reflector” as specified/required in GS 121.1 (2a).
The term is defined by Cornell Law School as, “Reflex reflector. A device which is used on a vehicle to give an indication to an approaching driver by reflected light[ed] from the lamps on the approaching vehicle.”. Cornell’s definition is closely similar to others found on the net, so reflective tape will suffice.

  1. Are MUVs required to have a horn? A horn is not specifically mentioned in NCGS 20-121.1(2a).
We should inform citizens and our personnel that GS 121.1 (2a) cannot be expected to address every requirement of law. As an example, the statute only refers to “parking brakes” but we know that every motor vehicle operated on a roadway must have standard brakes, as defined in GS 20-124 “ Every motor vehicle … shall be equipped with brakes ...”
Likewise, GS 20-125 addresses the question of a horn by stating, “Every motor vehicle … shall be equipped with a horn in good working order…”. Also note 19A NCAC 03D .0534 HORN.

  1. Are PRE/Final inspections conducted on salvaged MUVs?
GS 20-71.3(b) states “Any motor vehicle up to and including six model years old damaged by collision or other occurrence, that is to be retitled in this State, shall be subject to preliminary and final inspections by the Enforcement Section of the Division.”
Therefore, if a MUV is involved in a salvage claim, it would be subject to a PRE/Final inspection.

  1. What should a station enter when N/A is not an option?
If the item(s) being inspected are not required by 20.121.1(2a) or other applicable statute, then the tech should enter “P” for pass. Otherwise, the analyzer will list the overall inspection as a failure.

  1. Can a MUV owner sign the MVR-59 as the upfitter?
There is the potential for a MUV owner and upfitter to be the same. GS 20-4.01(27)(g2) defines a MUV as “A motor vehicle that (i) is manufactured or upfitted by a licensed manufacturer, dealer, or person or business otherwise engaged in vehicle manufacturing or modification for off-road use with equipment required by G.S. 20-121.1(2a)…”
If a person is engaged in the business of manufacturing or upfitting MUVs, and the person is the owner of the MUV being titled, they should be allowed to sign the form.
When a person is found to have made a false affidavit, the investigating Inspector should consider charging the individual with the violation under GS 20-112.

SB241 Modified Utility Vehicles FAQ’S

  1. Are these vehicles titled/registered like mopeds? No.
  2. What documents will the customer be required to provide to prove ownership? Current standard protocol applies. Also refer to Broadcast Message which notes the additional MVR-59.
  3. Can the owner fill out the MVR-59? The form must be filled out with by the manufacturer, dealer or a person engaged in the business of upfitting these type of vehicles.
  4. If there are several assignments on an MCO, does it need to be titled in all names? No, just current owner. The MCO will be imaged if there are any questions on prior ownership.
  5. Will they bond these if they do not have MCO or an out of state title? Yes. They will require MCO, Out-of-State Title, Court Order or Bond.
  6. What if they do not have a bill of sale, will they have to get estimates on the value? Yes. Current standard protocol applies.
  7. Is there additional information regarding how HUT will be calculated or if they will pay hut? Current standard protocol applies. They will pay based on the computer value, bill of sale or appraisals.
  8. Will they pay property taxes? Current standard protocol applies. If they purchase a plate, yes unless it is an LRP the first time. Then they will be billed for the taxes.
  9. Are they required to have liability insurance? Yes
  10. What option are we to use in sessions; Out of state or MCO? Current standard protocol applies. Whichever one applies
  11. Are all the items on the MVR-59 required to be checked? No, the windshield and windshield wipers are not required equipment.
  12. Will the LPAs be responsible for making sure the form is completed correctly? Yes, Current standard protocol applies to all NC forms.
  13. Will safety inspections be waived on out-of-state just like a standard car? No. These vehicles will have to obtain a NC safety inspection prior to titling.


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  • SL2021-33 (1).pdf
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  • Official Bulletin 260 Modified Utility.pdf
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Will safety inspections be waived on out-of-state just like a standard car? No. These vehicles will have to obtain a NC safety inspection prior to titling.
Of all the things on there, this last one seems like it will cause the most problems for the most people. Thanks for the thorough research and post.
Since there seems to be no reliable source of info on this even now I asked our local DMV inspector she's super easy to work with sent me all this info, I'll see about getting the Ranger and rzr register next week

Modified Utility Vehicle Q & A
License and Theft Bureau Specific

  1. When selecting “SUV” what is the station to select when the MUV does not have a windshield and a wiper?
  • Some analyzers are showing pass and fail as the only options and not N/A.
The only applicable option for the stations to select when conducting the inspection, if not able to select n/a, is “pass”.
Selecting “fail” will obviously not update the STARS table as it will show as a failing outcome and selecting “corrected” will create confusion (signature) and incorrect statistics.

  1. If a windshield & wiper are not there, should the presenter of this vehicle produce the DOT approved helmet that is required by law if no windshield?
Stations are not authorized to require a helmet to pass inspection.

  1. If the analyzer prompts, once “SUV” is selected, what should be listed for Tampers? (N/A or pass).
The analyzers should allow a tech to enter “n/a” for every tamper item.
However, if a tech inspects a MUV equipped with emission components (some have 02 sensors, EVAP, etc.) that have been tampered, should they fail the vehicle? Although we will experience pushback, the answer is “yes”.

  1. Makers that are not motorcycle manufacturers such as Yamaha, Honda, etc. are not being recognized as a valid Make, what should be entered when this occurs?
Each analyzer manufacturer added an option in the Make table to allow for a keyed entry.
Since the NCAS document didn’t provide strict guidance on this requirement, the option may be “not in list”, “other”, or some other entry to signify that the information requires a manual entry. Once the tech selects the appropriate option, they will be prompted to enter the first four (4) characters of the Make.

  1. Are MUVs required to have DOT approved tires? Most standard stock tires on MUVs say off road use only.
Email response from Drew Marsh on 09/28 – “Ref your specific question on “DOT”, I don’t see that in the statute. Nor have I found any reference to that approval in 19A NCAC.03D 0500 and following.”
FMVSS is mainly applicable to on-road vehicles, and MUVs are manufactured for off-road purposes. Therefore, unless a regulation is created to state otherwise, a MUV is not required to have “DOT” approved tires to pass inspection.

  1. When an MUV is equipped with a windshield, should it meet DOT standard?
The FMVSS related to window glazing (205), Glazing Materials, is not applicable for off-road vehicles. However, GS 20-135, Safety Glass, is a factor we should consider when/if we examine a MUV.
Of course, this creates another question, how are we to determine if a vehicle has “safety glass” and is there a specific requirement (AS?)?
Motor vehicles are required to utilize AS1 windshields and in the past, we have required LSVs to install a AS4/AS5 windshield (glass vs polycarbonate). To conform to statute, when a windshield is installed on a MUV, we would require an AS4 level or equivalent level.
  1. A dealer’s license is required to sell 5 or more, being this meet the definition of a “motor vehicle” correct?
Section 2.3 of SL 2021-33, states, “…This term does not include a modified utility vehicles…”, exempting a person/entity from a dealers license when buying/selling MUVs.

  1. Buyers’ Guides are required for used MUV’s?
Not applicable to MUVs.

  1. Odometer/Damage disclosures are needed for a dealer sale, correct? (Asked as not sure how differing brands are manufactured in miles or hours as they are “off road vehicles in theory)
Dealers license not required.

  1. 20-183.4C(1) and 20-183.4C(2) does apply to MUV’s?
MUVs are required to meet the safety inspection requirements, not to be confused with applicable sections of 20-183.4C that related to dealers.

  1. A dealer needs to run a standard (vehicle) size dealer plate on the vehicle and not a motorcycle size plate, correct? (Most selling these are motorcycle dealers without ID/FD plates)
An entity is not required to have a dealers license to sell an MUV but in the case that a person selling a MUV is a dealer, and the vehicle is part of the inventory, they may display a dealer plate on the vehicle.
There is no standard/regulation which states a dealer must use a specific size plate on a vehicle, nor is there regulation preventing a motorcycle dealer from displaying a MD plate on a MUV.

Email dated 10/06 from John Congleton: “I do not see any direct authority addressing the use of motorcycle plates on vehicles other than motorcycles. However, my thought about the motorcycle plate is that because a motorcycle is a completely different class of vehicle than an MUTV, motorcycle plates (dealer, manufacturer or otherwise) should only be applicable for use on motorcycles.”
This information has been provided to the Commissioners office with a recommendation that the Commissioner address this concern in a rule.

  1. There is no exemption preventing a farmer from getting farm tags on this vehicle type, correct?

  1. Are owners of MUVs required to install a hand lever parking break or does the park engagement on the column work?
GS 121.1 (2a) requires “parking brakes”, not specifying the manner of application.
Interesting, statute doesn’t define the term parking brakes or emergency brakes, both used to describe the same mechanism, and admin code only refers to handbrakes.
Many vehicles manufactured don’t have a “handbrake” so we must assume that if a vehicle has an emergency/parking brake that meets the grading criteria contained in 19A NCAC 03D .0532, it should pass inspection.

  1. Does the reflector need to have a raised lens cover or can it be applied tape reflector?
Admin code has one mention of “reflector”, under headlights, and only refers to clean and bright. NC Statute fails to define the term “reflex reflector” as specified/required in GS 121.1 (2a).
The term is defined by Cornell Law School as, “Reflex reflector. A device which is used on a vehicle to give an indication to an approaching driver by reflected light[ed] from the lamps on the approaching vehicle.”. Cornell’s definition is closely similar to others found on the net, so reflective tape will suffice.

  1. Are MUVs required to have a horn? A horn is not specifically mentioned in NCGS 20-121.1(2a).
We should inform citizens and our personnel that GS 121.1 (2a) cannot be expected to address every requirement of law. As an example, the statute only refers to “parking brakes” but we know that every motor vehicle operated on a roadway must have standard brakes, as defined in GS 20-124 “ Every motor vehicle … shall be equipped with brakes ...”
Likewise, GS 20-125 addresses the question of a horn by stating, “Every motor vehicle … shall be equipped with a horn in good working order…”. Also note 19A NCAC 03D .0534 HORN.

  1. Are PRE/Final inspections conducted on salvaged MUVs?
GS 20-71.3(b) states “Any motor vehicle up to and including six model years old damaged by collision or other occurrence, that is to be retitled in this State, shall be subject to preliminary and final inspections by the Enforcement Section of the Division.”
Therefore, if a MUV is involved in a salvage claim, it would be subject to a PRE/Final inspection.

  1. What should a station enter when N/A is not an option?
If the item(s) being inspected are not required by 20.121.1(2a) or other applicable statute, then the tech should enter “P” for pass. Otherwise, the analyzer will list the overall inspection as a failure.

  1. Can a MUV owner sign the MVR-59 as the upfitter?
There is the potential for a MUV owner and upfitter to be the same. GS 20-4.01(27)(g2) defines a MUV as “A motor vehicle that (i) is manufactured or upfitted by a licensed manufacturer, dealer, or person or business otherwise engaged in vehicle manufacturing or modification for off-road use with equipment required by G.S. 20-121.1(2a)…”
If a person is engaged in the business of manufacturing or upfitting MUVs, and the person is the owner of the MUV being titled, they should be allowed to sign the form.
When a person is found to have made a false affidavit, the investigating Inspector should consider charging the individual with the violation under GS 20-112.

SB241 Modified Utility Vehicles FAQ’S

  1. Are these vehicles titled/registered like mopeds? No.
  2. What documents will the customer be required to provide to prove ownership? Current standard protocol applies. Also refer to Broadcast Message which notes the additional MVR-59.
  3. Can the owner fill out the MVR-59? The form must be filled out with by the manufacturer, dealer or a person engaged in the business of upfitting these type of vehicles.
  4. If there are several assignments on an MCO, does it need to be titled in all names? No, just current owner. The MCO will be imaged if there are any questions on prior ownership.
  5. Will they bond these if they do not have MCO or an out of state title? Yes. They will require MCO, Out-of-State Title, Court Order or Bond.
  6. What if they do not have a bill of sale, will they have to get estimates on the value? Yes. Current standard protocol applies.
  7. Is there additional information regarding how HUT will be calculated or if they will pay hut? Current standard protocol applies. They will pay based on the computer value, bill of sale or appraisals.
  8. Will they pay property taxes? Current standard protocol applies. If they purchase a plate, yes unless it is an LRP the first time. Then they will be billed for the taxes.
  9. Are they required to have liability insurance? Yes
  10. What option are we to use in sessions; Out of state or MCO? Current standard protocol applies. Whichever one applies
  11. Are all the items on the MVR-59 required to be checked? No, the windshield and windshield wipers are not required equipment.
  12. Will the LPAs be responsible for making sure the form is completed correctly? Yes, Current standard protocol applies to all NC forms.
  13. Will safety inspections be waived on out-of-state just like a standard car? No. These vehicles will have to obtain a NC safety inspection prior to titling.
The legalese is gonna require me to read that over a few more times.

Unless you are buying new, the owner will have to sign the mvr-59, I would think? Or will a factory title fill the need and not require the MVR?

From what I understand reading that, you would just take it to a standard inspection site? Or is License & Theft inspection required? If the first, I guess they will issue a temp tag to be able to drive to test site, like with a standard vehicle?
Saw 2 sxs's on the roads today. Neither had a license plate. When the 2nd pulled up to the gas station the county police that was there couldn't give a shit. Gaston county gonna be gaston county I guess.

I think this is going to be the case for a while since no one knows the rules. Then when people start acting fools it will go the opposite direction and they will start making sure you have every single thing.
Also wouldn't try that somewhere like ure