Stuck in Pinehurst NC...What Car/Truck Stuff To Do...Fayetteville??


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I'll be working in Pinehurst for the next year and a half and I'm already going through car/truck withdrawl. I've only been there for a week and haven't come across anything. I went to a cruise-in in Rockingham and Laurenburg. I need more. Are there any shops I should check out?

Let me know what you guys do in the area.

I grew up and lived in Laurinburg for over 20 years. Don't waste your time going there. Rockingham is about the same.
I am up in Sanford...just got home from dinner down there. I can put you on to some good food in the area. :)

Somebody a couple of weeks ago was telling me about a cruise in at some restaurant in Southern Pines...I forget the when and where, I'll try and find out. Seems like it was the 1st and 3rd either Saturday or Sundays.
You guys are awesome! Thanks.