Stuck in Selma

Legal? I don't understand but I will get some pics
OK I'll go ahead and jump to it.

Are you in a place where you are legally allowed to be? Either public property, or have permission of the landowner?
A lot of folks are hesitant to come out when they will be trespassing and/or breaking the law being there.
No it's legal to be here lots of jeep clubs come out here but it's cool I got someone on the way

Just because a lot of "jeep clubs" go there doesn't make it legal. Again, unless you have written permission from the landowners, it is against the law to be there. And I would be willing to bet if you are on either Railroad land or Oil Company land, they DO NOT want you there.

asking for recovery help on here is always a joke.

If I had been in the area I would come get ya.

How the hell are you stuck there anyways, looks like a rough dirt road to me :p
We have one of these threads every few months. Alwyas somebody on illegal lands that gets stuck then gets flamed for being where he shouldn't be.

Sooo, you didn't answer the question. Did you have written permission from the land owner to be there?

Did you get out yet?
I'm glad you got out.

sometimes it's alot deeper than it looks haha thats half the excitement!
Dude I will tell you you better stay away from those gas lines in Selma it's not legal and how do I know I've bun run off in my younger high school years screwing around back there I'm just telling you Selma police arnt nice and it's illegal there's signs everywhere
if you are on gas line right of way then it is illegal and how do i know,i work on these right of ways and if you knew how dangerous they are you would stay off of them.
Relax guys, the trail is legal. The land owners are an older couple who enjoy offroading themselves. Several local Jeep clubs have written permission to be out there. I've been there myself.

And that hole is deceiving. I saw a JK Rubi on 37's get hung right there. I soaked my whole interior in a water hole that only seemed to be a couple feet deep when I was there last. Boy was I wrong.

Hope you made it out okay. And don't try the hole right next to that one, it's even worse!
you don't seem to understand right of ways.even though it is private property,if their is a right of way on this property then the owner has very little control of the what can be done on the part that the right of way covers. and like i said before,if people had a clue to the dangers of a natutal gas pipeline the would not want to be any where near them.