Suggestions on Beginner Trails in WNC?


New Member
Dec 25, 2013
Just bought a truck today. Looking for some suggestions for beginners' trails up here in the mountains around Asheville. Any trails with views and good camping spots would be perfect. I need to get out of the city for a while.

I've never personally been to either of these places, but I hear that Hurricane Creek (pretty sure it's up above Asheville off of I-40 W) and Brown Mountain (probably about an hour and a half east of you in Morganton) are pretty moderate trails and good for beginners. From what I understand, they aren't much more than a ride through the woods, like an old logging trail or something. If you are looking for something a little more aggressive, The Flats in Marion will be hosting an open ride towards the middle of January, they have all kinds of trails. That's where I first went wheeling, and had a blast.

Maybe someone else that is more local can chime in with a few ideas.
Brown closes first of the year so if you want to go you better do it soon.

The Flats will be a good place to check out and will have more to do than driving "logging" roads.