Summerfield Area... Watch out.


Triad Trail Junkies
Aug 26, 2008
A buddy had 2 mexican guys wearing hard hats and electric company uniforms knock on his door, ask a few questions, and then rob him at gunpoint. This happened earlier today but I figure it doesn't hurt to spread the info.

This happened off of 220 between Food Lion (Summerfield) and the Intersection of Highway 65.

He said they were both about 5'6 and only one spoke english.
Thanks for the heads up. Thats not too far from me, I'm at the Summerfield line/hwy 158 area. They'll get more than they want if they come a knockin' on my door!
In a nieborhood, very wealthy nieborhood at that, houses are spaced far enough apart where his niebors may not see his porch, but hes also far enough into the nieborhood that these guys had to pass alot of houses, and alot of old people walking thier dogs to get back out.
He said as far as he knows all they got was the cash in his wallet.
Wow! That is 10 minutes from where I live.
Those SOB will be eating some lead if they knock on this door. Those hardhats won't help very much.


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