Superb Owl


Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
The sportsballers are sportsballing, and Rihanna is teh preggers and is sponsored by Michelin.
I call a penalty on the Chiefs for such a lame ending to an otherwise actually entertaining game.
super bowl.jpg
Overall good game with an unfortunate call at the end to make it less interesting. I can't say it was a terrible call, but could really have been left alone. The halftime show was surely a joke.
On a serious note, in 2023 where women are equal or better than men in every aspect because reasons, what does it matter that they were all female pilots? Seems to be against everything they “have already accomplished”.

Also...define 'female' plz...
Best part was Chris Stapleton singing the National Anthem. Dude crushed it.
Saw this at a Pizza/Bar me and the wife stopped at. Great food. Went to the restroom at some point and walked out to this clownish outfit and some manly lady belting out something.
Left on the kick off to go home.
Best part was Chris and me not watching anything else about it.