Superbowl ads


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Lexington, NC
Was it just me, or were the Super Bowl ads a bit of a downer this year? I don't remember which insurance company was tugging at your emotions showing all the things the kid wasn't going to be able to do because he was dead from an accident, but that was just straight out depressing. And what is with all the anti-bullying, "lets start a movement" hashtag this and that? Even the Budweiser Clydesdale/puppy ad was weak. Really? You can drop millions on the commercial and can't even get the Proclaimers to sign off on using the original song? It was their ONLY freakin hit!!!!

I've always loved the Super Bowl for the commercials (since I was an Advertising major after all!), but this year seemed to fall short.

The Chevy Colorado one at the beginning was pretty classic. Even I fell for it and began to check to see if there was a problem with the TV.
It was a soft year - agreed.
The Bud / craft beer diss commercial had to be Budweiser's best stab ever at total self destruction. My prediction is that Bud will no longer be King of Beers and even likely to even able to afford a SB commercial within the next 5-10 years if they don't rethink and retool. And so far, all the craft brews they've bought out pretty much suck as well with the only exception of Shock Top.
I agree with Bud sales dropping significantly if URE should close...

Didn't pay much attention to the commercials. Was surfing during them. I did watch the big ones and the only one I liked was the Doritos one. It did make me wonder how the pig was going to fare on landing more than it advertised their brand.
The Fiat "viagra" commercial was pretty funny. But that was about it.

agree, but it went on way too long, there was just no need for all that bouncing around shit
Budweiser will always have the highest sales because there will always be more messicans, white trash, frat boys, and dudes that say brah, than there will will ever be people who enjoy something that doesn't taste like it was tapped from the urinals of the local county fair.....
I was sick of all the commercials this sad and depressing. but it did make me drink more beer and I just so happen to be drinking bud light, so my hat is off to you Budweiser :)
The Superbowl has already happened?