Well, my 231 case cracked apart, and i picked up another 231, and need the sye setup(not hack &tap) transfered from one to the other, i dont think anything broke in the old case either and i dont know enough about it. I will bring both tcases to you.
Also, i have 4.88s and arbs and i pulled the carrier to change my front seals, and put it back in, and i put the spacers on either side but it doesnt seem to be right, and i cant get it all the way back in, when i tighten the pass side bearing cap, i cant turn the yoke anymore, so i had to put spacers behind the cap so i could turn it. Would like someone to help, or atlease let me know what is wrong if possibly. Located in the cary area.
Also, i have 4.88s and arbs and i pulled the carrier to change my front seals, and put it back in, and i put the spacers on either side but it doesnt seem to be right, and i cant get it all the way back in, when i tighten the pass side bearing cap, i cant turn the yoke anymore, so i had to put spacers behind the cap so i could turn it. Would like someone to help, or atlease let me know what is wrong if possibly. Located in the cary area.