SYE install


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2015
35°44'59.8"N, -78°49'13.6"W
After 15 yrs of wheeling this thing without a SYE, I finally got one. The plan was to put it in myself, but am really strapped on time and having second thoughts. Any idea who would install one, assuming I pull the case and take it and the parts to them? I have the standard Advance Adapters SYE...not the "Mega Short". Would be willing to use a shop or a skilled individual...I am just running really thin on time and not sure I want to tackle it? Any advice or insights appreciated...I'm ITB Raleigh.

Mad thanks, yo...
I could do it but honestly you can do it pretty quick. Mine took a few hrs to pull and rebuild even with the pain in the ass Savvy skids.
Easier to leave it in the vehicle, only takes an hour or two depending on how motivated you are.


You'll need assorted common sockets and also a 1 1/8" for the output shaft nuts. A good pair of duck bill snap ring pliers and a flathead screwdriver will seal the deal.
I've left mine connected when I did the zj... I just dropped trans mount down a little for more room to work with! Snap ring pliers make life easier for sure when still connected I've used two picks but fawk that!! I think my first one I did took me 3 1/2 hours bc I screwed up an didn't have right tools! Ring pliers specifically!
I'd rather do it on the bench, but you can do it in the vehicle, no problem. I've done both. It only takes a couple of hours.
Not sure where you are at, but I have a 231 already out you can put your SYE in. Then just trade me back your stock one when you swap. If that helps you minimize your downtime.
That's a heckuva offer and greatly appreciated. I had my case rebuilt a few years back so I feel good about sticking with it...

To the others, thanks for the insights. I'd been given nods to leave it in and take it out. Without access to a lift, I'm thinking I will just pull it out. I'm 6'3" and 250 so staying under it for long periods of time isn't in my "want to do" bag.

Other question: the jeep currently sits on about 5" of lift between the bastard pack springs and long shackles. I've put bandaids wherever I could, allowing me to run. 1" MM lift, 1" Tcase drop and some 6° wedges in the rear leafs. How much should come out. Most advice says leave everything in and just add the SYE and driveshaft. Thoughts appreciated...
That's a heckuva offer and greatly appreciated. I had my case rebuilt a few years back so I feel good about sticking with it...

To the others, thanks for the insights. I'd been given nods to leave it in and take it out. Without access to a lift, I'm thinking I will just pull it out. I'm 6'3" and 250 so staying under it for long periods of time isn't in my "want to do" bag.

Other question: the jeep currently sits on about 5" of lift between the bastard pack springs and long shackles. I've put bandaids wherever I could, allowing me to run. 1" MM lift, 1" Tcase drop and some 6° wedges in the rear leafs. How much should come out. Most advice says leave everything in and just add the SYE and driveshaft. Thoughts appreciated...
Yeah I'm 6'4" 220 and it sucks not even gonna lie... imo a tcase drop is not a bad idea and can be done easily and cheap to help with angles.. he'll I may have one for a xj and zj but I made my last one with square stock...
Oh you already have all that hell I'd leave it unless it is gonna hinder performance and I dunno how any of that would really!? Maybe someone has better insight!!
I dont even know what ya wheeling man!! so I'm prolly no help besides sye experience. lol I thought xj for some reason...?
I assumed XJ as well but seeing you mentioned “Mega short” and leafs now I’m thinking YJ?

For an XJ the biggest advantage to an SYE is that you can run a front drive shaft in the rear and then carry one drive shaft as a spare for either front or rear.

Just put the SYE in then see where your pinion sits. It needs to be pointed at the transfer case, so then you can see if you need to remove the shims or not.
All I know about yjs are they like to 3 wheel like a gangsters 63 impala with juice... lol
I've done (3). One on the bench and two in the vehicle. My preference is in the vehicle. You could have it done by the time you took to take it out and put it back in if you leave it in.
I've done (3). One on the bench and two in the vehicle. My preference is in the vehicle. You could have it done by the time you took to take it out and put it back in if you leave it in.
Truth! Leave it. Put rear up higher on good Jack Stands. Block the front and make sure she can't roll off. Good pliers. Make sure pump engages correctly. Follow instructions with kit. Button up.
I've done (3). One on the bench and two in the vehicle. My preference is in the vehicle. You could have it done by the time you took to take it out and put it back in if you leave it in.
Just curious as to the order of these. If I had done one on the bench already, I'd likely feel more confident in doing it in the Jeep. Doing something unknown in confined spaces is what's killing my initiative. I figure that if I put it on the bench, I can stream a youtube video for added reference.

If you do remove it, get the $10 transmission seal and replace it. They often leak after removing the t-case.
$18 from NAPA...check!

Also, replace the chain while you're in there. They are fairly cheap.
Replaced the chain when I had the case rebuilt a few years ago...along w/ bearings & seals...thanks!
The first one I installed on my YJ was OUT and the tranny fluid promptly started dripping out of the weep hole after the install. 15 years ago I could get the seal for under $10 with free shipping. I had to go back and pull the tcase to install the seal. I did not have a "bench" and battled it on the floor of my garage on a cardboard box that was laid out. The next one I did on a kid from Raleigh's XJ. We left it in and I vowed to never do another OUT unless the seal needed replaced. The next one I did on my TJ I also installed with the front case bolted to the tranny.
If you are looking for a shop I'd suggest East Coast Gear. At least I think they are up near you. Honestly though with the tools Jody suggested it can be done in about 2 - 3 hours. Assuming you have no major issues with cross member bolts.
Just curious as to the order of these. If I had done one on the bench already, I'd likely feel more confident in doing it in the Jeep. Doing something unknown in confined spaces is what's killing my initiative. I figure that if I put it on the bench, I can stream a youtube video for added reference.

$18 from NAPA...check!

Replaced the chain when I had the case rebuilt a few years ago...along w/ bearings & seals...thanks!
I felt the same way on my first, I was working for a shop and did it on a lift and took it out. After getting it on the bench and doing the work I wanted to kick myself. Stupid simple compared to a lot of other jobs. I have literally took more stuff lose and fought harder to change some alternators. Pliers are the only hang up period....and or the yoke. If you can pull a yoke and realize the good snap ring pliers are the go to your plenty prepared to do these installs.

I literally took on a few for cash at home laying in the dirt after the first "SHOP" unit.
@92_SquareEye now you kinda have to do it yourself. :p
Pretty much, right? I'm kinda seeing 3 options...
1. Pay someone else to do it and never post here again
2. Do it myself, taking it out and on the bench...hoping to not be ridiculed beyond reasonable measures
3. Do it myself in the Jeep....
a) Get it right and escape humiliation
b) FUBAR it and become the new Marty of the boards because I can't even get the simplest mod right.