SYE install


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
Picked up a used sye the other day from the board. I haven't removed it from the old t/c yet and I've never done one before. I am mechanically inclined and have the tools, so how hard is it? Anything I should know/look for before I get started. I'm pretty confident I can dissasemble/reassemble without a problem, but a tip or two won't hurt.
yes it is pretty simple just pull apart and reassemble using the new parts. I suggest you use the shift rod out of the one I sold you since I had to grind it down so it would fully ingage in every gear. just remove everything from the old transfer case and instll in yours + the front shaft and chain. here are some directions with pics.
Make sure the pump pickup is attached to the pump. It's easy for it to come apart when you put the case halves back together. Other than that should be no problem for you.
Make sure you have a GOOD pair of snap/C ring pliers
Channel locks will work good for this:flipoff2:
Looking at re-doing the skidplate and such. Thinking of using 1/4" plate w/reinforcement. Anyone got a pic of their skid plates?
LOL call me if you need help. I've rebuild several np231's