T/Case grinds into 4hi while moving


Feb 13, 2011
Wake Forest
I have a 95 jeep wrangler and have a problem with shifting on the fly. Whenever I try shifting into 4 hi from 2 hi at any speed, it grinds. The weird thing is that when I shift from into 2 hi from 4 hi I have no problems what so ever. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it!!!
In 2 hi the front drive shaft is not turning b/c the Vac disco allows only the carrier to rotate. When u try to go into 4 hi the drive shaft must to go from 0 to 60 instantaneously. If the drive shaft was already turning then the sycro in the t/c would work. In other words, unless u eliminate the disco it will grind from factory.
when i had my disco i never had an issue with it grinding.. are you sure you dont have the tcase from an xj in there? they dont have the syncho ring in there which would cause what your experiencing...