Tacky christmas gifts


Doin my part to stir the pot.
Apr 17, 2005
Greeneville TN
Jake is working on a list of tacky christmas gifts for his christmas eve radio shop.Other than the billy big mouth bass and oversized womens panties we have have drew a blank.So what is the tackiest gift you have received,or with this crowd,given as a gift at Christmas?? Obviously it needs to be PG.
$5 gift certificate for Walmart
Emergency fishing hook extraction kit
6' long yellow pine 2x4
Betty boop steering wheel cover
Sticky note pads in a variety of colors
Bottle of African hair product
Turtle neck sweater
A plastic rake
Box of flathead screws
The best of Soul Train DVD box set
A jar of pickles
A whole box of Velcro strips - but only the male (hook) side.
A box of blank audio cassette tapes.
Better yet - some kind of cheezy music on cassette tape.
Pet rock.
My eight year old daughter mentioned today that a great gag gift would be a pack of Oreos with all the crème filling removed. lol.
