In case anybody is considering buying a new big screen in the next couple weeks...
Queen City TV & Appliance has an offer you might want to check into...if you buy one between now and September 3rd, and the Panthers win the Superbowl, you get your money back...
Chip Player (the owner) has taken out an insurance policy to cover his losses should it the idea from some furniture company (maybe in Chicago) that had the same promotion on the chance that their NFL team shut out the Packers on opening day that year...which they did, and he refunded ~$300K, IIRC...
If you're going to buy one anyway...might just take a chance on getting your money back in 6 months...
Queen City TV & Appliance has an offer you might want to check into...if you buy one between now and September 3rd, and the Panthers win the Superbowl, you get your money back...
Chip Player (the owner) has taken out an insurance policy to cover his losses should it the idea from some furniture company (maybe in Chicago) that had the same promotion on the chance that their NFL team shut out the Packers on opening day that year...which they did, and he refunded ~$300K, IIRC...
If you're going to buy one anyway...might just take a chance on getting your money back in 6 months...