take me on your buggy... on its side

Hey that's my arm on the cage!! That was the most comfortable flop ever, thanks Marsfab!! Yeah I had a really good laugh at Aaron after that. It mashed the hood up pretty bad and broke the latches and we bungied Thom, so at one point we are hitting this spot pretty hard and as we drop down the hood kinda floated up. I look over and Aarons eyes were huge and he looked kinda sick for a second!! He said I thought the motor was falling out or something....lol we took the hood off after that and rode bouncer status. Good times!!
Run it bouncer style, two tubes front to back over the engine with heim hinges /disconnects; salvage the raised center of hood to mount between the tubes. That's what I plan to do to mine when the day comes she goes belly up.
I'm sure @MarsFab could whip that shit out real quick.