tatoo ideas

Yeah, a rose with wicked thorns wrapped around it dripping blood from a few of the thorns.
Jesus, carrying it.
That woulda worked if it was on it's side, not up and down...if you want Christ, put him hanging on it...
Not sick, it would be the crucifix.

I suggested the rose and thorns as a different symbol of Christ; since He is also "symbolically" called the Rose of Sharon. I hope I haven't ruined this thread, I didn't mean to....
Tattoos are for pansies, you need a gun shot wound.
No words to put on this. That is so stupid I am just dumbfounded!
As for the tat, like xjlisa said, its not a crucifix....
Id put something like
on it. You already have the whole Knights of the Templar going on...why not keep it going?