

Mar 22, 2005
Lakeland, FL
I was trying to get a jump on doing my taxes this year, however, the IRS sent my Tax Return back!!
Guess it was because of my response to the line, which said: "List All Dependents". So I replied;
12 million illegal immigrants,
3 million crack heads,
42 million unemployable people on food stamps,
2 million people in over 243 prisons,
and 535 fools in the U.S. House and Senate.

Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.
Duh, you forgot the head of the executive branch and his copilot, and all of the judicial branch. The IRS wouldn't want to short change you!
My suggestion is to pay all mayors, governers, senators, congressmen, VP and president the average income of the area they represent (based on US Census Bureau) For example, the senators and governer from NC would be paid $24745 (medium per capita income for NC) whereas the President and VP would make $27334 per year. Sort of gives them an incentive to increase the money that their particular region brings in so that their pay is increased accordingly.

Doing so would get some of these politicians that are insisting on beefing up welfare and other similar programs to stop.
Don't get me started on this crap!
My suggestion is to pay all mayors, governers, senators, congressmen, VP and president the average income of the area they represent (based on US Census Bureau) For example, the senators and governer from NC would be paid $24745 (medium per capita income for NC) whereas the President and VP would make $27334 per year. Sort of gives them an incentive to increase the money that their particular region brings in so that their pay is increased accordingly.

Doing so would get some of these politicians that are insisting on beefing up welfare and other similar programs to stop.

I have been advocating this for years.
Strangely, though, none of the politicians seem to have responded to the idea.
I have been advocating this for years.
Strangely, though, none of the politicians seem to have responded to the idea.
Sure they have, look at your COLA for DC area...
My suggestion is to pay all mayors, governers, senators, congressmen, VP and president the average income of the area they represent (based on US Census Bureau) For example, the senators and governer from NC would be paid $24745 (medium per capita income for NC) whereas the President and VP would make $27334 per year. Sort of gives them an incentive to increase the money that their particular region brings in so that their pay is increased accordingly.

Doing so would get some of these politicians that are insisting on beefing up welfare and other similar programs to stop.

they'd just find a wa to distort the data.
My suggestion is to pay all mayors, governers, senators, congressmen, VP and president the average income of the area they represent (based on US Census Bureau) For example, the senators and governer from NC would be paid $24745 (medium per capita income for NC) whereas the President and VP would make $27334 per year. Sort of gives them an incentive to increase the money that their particular region brings in so that their pay is increased accordingly.

Doing so would get some of these politicians that are insisting on beefing up welfare and other similar programs to stop.

Right because we need to recruit talent that works at $24k/year to fix our problems.


On the bright side at least Im done with that pesky social security crap for the next 3.5 months....
Right because we need to recruit talent that works at $24k/year to fix our problems.

Yea, cause paying hundreds of thousands of $$ has brought in top talent.
IRS.................... Mr. mbalbritton, where are you getting your info for the first 4 lines/groups??? 1998? your #s are way too low and thus your argument is illegitimate. Please send payment for all of your estimated 2012 taxes, multiplied by 47 by...... no later than last week, plus interest and penalties, compounded every minute that has passed since the start of this tax period, or we will sieze your owned assests and property, probably next Tuesday.
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oh man, I am in the process of educating people at my work on this stuff....its amazing how little people know about how things work in the country that they live in. Knowledge is key!