Tell me what you think


Active Member
Oct 24, 2007
ok I have a 91 XJ and my engine has 200,000 + miles, no major problems with the engine just oil leakage (the oil leaking is getting worse as time goes by.) and a check engine light that comes on when the vehicle is cold but disappears after the car warms up. the engine always dies when i start the vehicle when its cold, it takes me 3 tries in the morning to keep it running then i am right with jesus. Now my question is should i get a used motor from lkq and rebuild it piece by piece, buy a crate motor thats ready to rock, or buy a 2000 XJ and swap everything from my 91 to the new XJ. Let my know your opinion.
If you got a line on a 2000 model for a good price, I'd go for it and swap over your suspension mods etc. The interiors are leaps and bounds above the older models.

But the budget friendly thing to do would be to find a good used engine, and just drop it in. wouldn't taken longer than a weekend to do, and you could make it happen for $500-1000 total. Also, a good tune up and some gaskets may keep your current engine running for another 50k miles or better, 200k is not the end of the road for many 4.0's
I would do neither. I'd find out what your problem is with the engine and fix it. It will be a lot less time consuming and much cheaper. 200k on that engine is nothing. Start by replacing your fuel filter and doing a good tune up including cap/rotor, wires and plugs. Then move on to sensors, such as crank position sensor, if the problem persists. Locate the cause of your oil leaks and replace the gasket. Usually it'll be a valve cover, pan gasket or the rear main.
I changed the plugs and cap on my xj next i will have to check my cps, but the oil leak I have changed the seal three times already and i can only speed up the leak or slow it down but can't stop it should i change my oil pan and seals to see if that works? also what would make my XJ stall out after a cold start. what should pay attention to?

here is a picture of my rig at Freeman Beach In Carolina Beach.
How much oil does it leak? If you've replaced the rear main seal several times are you positive you're leaking from it and how did you put it in? Some say it seals better if you rotate it a bit.

Idle air control valve is most likely your culprit. May also be throttle position sensor. Most all auto stores can test these for you. Those two are easy to get to. Take them off and have them tested.
I would bet your valve cover is leaking in the rear and running down the back of the motor. Seen it more than once.
I will take a picture of the oil pan tomorrow, before i clean it and after maybe we can pinpoint the leak but i should warn you it's disgusting dirt and oil caked every were.
don't forget leaky injectors, bad fuel pressure regulator, bad fuel filter, and yes, definitely give the IAC motor and the whole throttle body for that matter a good cleaning

BTW whats a tent setup like that cost?
I bought the tent at a Camp Jeep in Charlottesville, Va (2004) the people that we bought it from I don't think they are in business still. and my tent has no advertisement on it. But if you google car top tent, or roof top tent. there are so many designs out there. as far as price i went in on it with my brother and in-law. The tent is our Time Share. i think maybe 3 or 4 hundred.
I took a look under my XJ and would it be beneficial for me for me to buy a new oil pan it looks like some scratches on the bottom of the oil pan, is it possible to bend the pan to leak.