Tellico Question

viper red cj-7

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
just looking for info..

i just saw the bill that was submitted to Southern for the fight against tellico closing. From what i hear and read, it sounds like that is pretty much a done deal, that Tellico is closed and will not be reopened. Which brings me to my question...
at what point in time do we stop the fight?. the bill to Southern was around $6k, so are we fighting a losing battle??

i'm not an expert, nor have i ever been there, but i just see us (the wheeling community) spending a lot of money on something that we're not going to win...



correction: the bill was for almost $8,000.
i hear it is a great place to that i'd like to go to..
i see what your saying..

i've heard they already sent bids out to have trails removed (?), to me, it seems like the Forest Service is moving forward with this...
again, just trying to figure this out...
I'm not going to reveal any names or details they dont want out here, but to give you an idea that I was clueless about until a friend opened my eyes a few months ago.

This fight is being fought on several fronts.
In addition to Southern and United's work there is at least 1 or 2 other private individuals who have invested TENs of THOUSANDs of their own personal money, untold time, effort and heart ache to the cause.

I truly believe there is a winnable fight here, although even a win doesn't guarantee the result we all want (an opened trail system) but at some point you are too far into to walk away...then you reach the point of depleted funds...I fear that is where we are heading.

Unfortunately bureaucracy being what it is, this battle will be easier won by a single warrior than an army of conflicted generals...That warrior could really use some cash though at this point.
Last word I got, at the SFWDA meeting a couple weeks ago, was that we have enough to pay for what is going on. Not sure if that meant for the entirety of up until now, But the word was we have enough money for the continued fight. But, they are still accepting donations as usual.

Also, if we do win, and what ever the FS has done to the trails, will have to be un-done.
Shouldn't be too hard to get an injunction to prohibit the trail obliteration project until litigation is complete. Hopefully they're already working on that.

there is usually a bigger picture that most do not see, so i understand.
what is in the back of my mind is "hey, why don't we take all this money and use it to purchase, lease land that we can develop and wheel on..
BUT, that usually opens another can of worms too...

i appreciate the info !!
Shouldn't be too hard to get an injunction to prohibit the trail obliteration project until litigation is complete. Hopefully they're already working on that.

The challenge with that is once it is awarded, a private contractor has received "intended or implied benefits" if a public action causes a private entity to lose those benefits he is entitled to compensation, that is why most federal judges aren't going to waste tax payer money. their stance will be, "you should have filed/resolved sooner"

I wasn't referring to SFWDA as much as "others" who are fighting a separate but lateral fight. SFWDA seems to have the $$$ but not the cut throat attitude needed to win in my opinion.
what is in the back of my mind is "hey, why don't we take all this money and use it to purchase, lease land that we can develop and wheel on..

because for the same reason that tellico was shutdown, any offroad park, public or private can be shut down.

we need legal protection for our ORVs. no one is going to make a law for us, so the only way to do that is to have a huge case to keep Tellico open and set our own legal precidents and hope they hold the next time around.
Maybe I'm a tree hugger...that place needed a break. I hate it for the people involved on a personal level with their investment, but with reward must come risk. Think of all the other parks that have opened in the last tens years, I love having a variety of places to ride and if that means sacrificing one for the greater good,then I guess that's what has to happen? I liked Tellico, one of my favorite places to ride, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to notice the change in the terrain caused by ORV's over the last 15 years.
I agree, why not spend the cash on LEASING land so if the greenies want to shut it down after several years for god knows whatever reason., then you move on to the next LEASE. Think of it as forestry management on a wheeling level.
.......OK here goes. In my opinion Telico has a problem that can't be fixed! It has a State Line that runs through it. NC collects trail fees and most every body camps in Tn. Tn. gets the trash and creek rainboes that can't be stopped. If you drive a new Rolls Royce through a creek at least 1 foot deep, you will see a oil rainbo going downstream! It's just gonna happen! Tn. is not happy because their income is being hurt(fisherman) are not happy with a lowd vehicle whizzes by 10 feet from where they are standing and I don't blame them. They got rights too!

I've enjoyed Tellico for a long time and met life long friends there. But I also beleive that the chances are few and slim that it will ever be open. I am confused that two weeks ago at the SFWDA meeting that the two gentlemen had never heard of! How can this be? Somebody explain this to me and several others that was there and witnessed this! Seems to me that they would have a section on here! I'm not sure what is happening here! This not a personal attack on the gentlemen or the fight they are fighting but I know the power of a forum and the internet! I'm just a Hot Dog Vender!