Now working part time in a retail store, I have noticed myself paying more attention to customers that come in open carrying. I did not grow up around guns, but shot rifles and shotguns at Boy Scout camp, and now own a handgun for home defense. I do not carry it to work, mainly because I have to go right from work to pick up my kids at school.
I do now notice things that make me nervous about a lot of open carriers. I've seen people open carry that probably shouldn't. One woman had a small handgun in a rather large holster on her hip and when she went to get something off the floor, the gun slipped out and hit the floor. I've seen one guy open carry, but his outside the belt holster was behind his back, which looked like it would be awkward to reach if needed. I also don't like it when someone keeps checking their sidearm while in my store (had a guy do that, like he kept adjusting it, or making sure it was still there). I honestly don't know my company's policy on employee open carry, mainly because it's not an option for me since I'm heading right to a school and I'm not CCW.
However, I did tell my boss - contrary to company policy - that if I were robbed while I am working the register, I may not comply with the robber and instead will opt to fight if I see a proper opportunity. During my shifts, I keep a bottle of Raid at the counter as though it is a return. Since the policy is to comply with the robber, we are trained to inform the robber that to open the register, we have to complete a sale (I'm not a key holder, so I can't do a No Sale). Having the can of Raid right next to the register makes an easy and convenient item for me to scan in order to open the drawer. Raid has an effective range of about 10 feet (better than pepper spray), stings like a mother if gotten in eyes or even inhaled/ingested. IF and only IF I have an open shot, my plan is to douse said perp, giving me a chance to react. My boss asked me why not just hand over the money? My response is that at the point someone sticks a gun or pulls a knife on me, it's personal. It's not about the money. Anyway, it seems like a good enough plan, one I hope to never have to use, and who knows if I even would be able to if given the instance anyway.