Texas Coach wins game 100-0 gets fired


Dum Spiro Spero
Apr 16, 2005
Sharon, SC
The losing team has been 4 years w/o a win. School of 20 girls total, no shit that they suck.
The real question is - why did this matchup happen in teh first place? That;s not the coach's fault.

Yeah I feel bad for the other team, but is it better for the winning team to give them "pity points" and playu shitty? No that would make them feel even worse.
WTF? To often in this country, people are penalized for being too-good at their job. Another case-in-point.
either way you look at it the girls were going to be embarrassed.

that never should have been a match up. those girls were good and needed a good opponent. these girls were not! if anything the ref should have called it in the half time because there was no comeback. That is like putting voodoo aginst insane moto... ooh wait we already did that...
either way you look at it the girls were going to be embarrassed.
that never should have been a match up. those girls were good and needed a good opponent. these girls were not! if anything the ref should have called it in the half time because there was no comeback. That is like putting voodoo aginst insane moto... ooh wait we already did that...

I want a Texas Death Match...in a barbed wire cage...oh yeah kevin gets a tag partner and Moto gets one hand tied behind his back!

(Remember Im the guy who wanted to watch kitten fishin')
I want a Texas Death Match...in a barbed wire cage...oh yeah kevin gets a tag partner and Moto gets one hand tied behind his back!
(Remember Im the guy who wanted to watch kitten fishin')

he does not need a tag partner, but you are voted in as motos

WTH... you watched kitten fishin... eww.
The losing team has been 4 years w/o a win. School of 20 girls total, no shit that they suck.

Well one team was a learning disabled school and the other was a christian school. Match up should have never happened but they claim the win wasn't christianlike. Overall this is an embarrassment to fire a coach
Boo fawkin hoooo

I agree, the match up shouldn't have happened. What kills me is the bleeding hearts that want to give even the loosers big ass trophies. I played sports in highschool. In basketball I was on a damn good team that kicked the shit out a few teams. When our 2nd string team is on the court are they suppose to stand there an wait for the 30 second clock to time out just so they don't score?

Then Rugby in highschool, Our team SUCKED but we had a blast playing. we tried hard all they way through the game and continually got stomped. but I never once expected or felt we deserved an apology.

Once again, the United Sates of the Offended.
Well one team was a learning disabled school and the other was a christian school. Match up should have never happened but they claim the win wasn't christianlike. Overall this is an embarrassment to fire a coach

please do remember, learning disabled DNE physically disabled/dysfunctional/crappy ballplayer.

There are snotloads of pro ballplayers that have learning disabilities - e.g. dyslexia and such.
Well, that and just plain stupidity :huggy:
please do remember, learning disabled DNE physically disabled/dysfunctional/crappy ballplayer.
There are snotloads of pro ballplayers that have learning disabilities - e.g. dyslexia and such.
Well, that and just plain stupidity :huggy:

ding ding ding

This was my understanding as well. it wasn't a mentally handicaped Special Olympics kinda school. It was a "Learning Disability", i.e dyslexia, ADD, etc.
The problem was that the coach refused to agree with the school. The school addressed the game saying
"It is shameful and an embarrassment that this happened. This clearly does not reflect a Christlike and honorable approach to competition," said the statement, signed by Queal and board chair Todd Doshier.
Saying screw them that they lost is not a christian thing to do. that is the reason he was fired. I do not think the teams should have matched up unless it was a practice or just for fun. The coach could have very easily played his third string folks and get them some play time. All that was asked was that he agree it was unsportman like to defeat a much lesser team in that manner. The winning team is a championship team of their division and the loosing team has not won a game that year and I think the year prior.

In all honesty the other coach should have forfeited or spoke to the opposing coach. Anyone in that situation could allow a much lesser team a few breaks to keep the game interested. Fans said the winning team and coach were screaming wildy as they pushed to the 100 point score. The halftime score was 59-0 so not much if anything was lessened the 2nd half. I think the coach should have backed off more being on a private christian school against another private school. The final score only matter to show who won the game which in this case was 100-0 was more than winning. Here is a link to the USA Today article.
The winning team is a championship team of their division and the loosing team has not won a game that year and I think the year prior.
In all honesty the other coach should have forfeited or spoke to the opposing coach.

most certainly agree with that, hell where were the refs to stop the game???
yeah, where were the refs? i though high school sports had rules like that. i know there used to be the "10-run rule" for baseball. did they really think the losing team was gonna come back from a 59-0 score at halftime? gimme a break...
yeah, where were the refs? i though high school sports had rules like that. i know there used to be the "10-run rule" for baseball. did they really think the losing team was gonna come back from a 59-0 score at halftime? gimme a break...

there is no mercy rule for highschool basketball.

I personally think that the coach of the winning team was wrong to let the game play the way it did. I'm not saying the winning team was wrong to play their best but when your up like that why not tell your guards to stop shooting threes? why not swap in some 2nd and 3rd string players? Just my .02
Wait, so could the losing team not have forfeited?
I saw that on ESPN last week. IIRC, the loosing team tried to forefit but the refs wouldn't let them, so the teams played...
why not swap in some 2nd and 3rd string players? Just my .02

Nobody said they finishedt he game w/ the 1st string players.
It's very possible that the losing team sucked more than even the worst of the winning team.