Th350/208-700r/241 adapter comparison


Aug 15, 2009
Lyle's Ford SC
I have a 241 to 700r4 adapter from an 89 k truck and was wondering what the differences are between that and a th350/208 adapter would be.
I'm trying to put together a 4x4 th350 to Ford 205, and looking at the kits I've noticed a th350/208 adapter is used so if I can use the 700r/208 adapter I'd only need a spud shaft to go from 27-31 spline.

Anyone have any dimensions they can share?
Yep. That's what I'm aiming to do. My other option would be to buy the AA kit for $550 which is basically a $250 spud shaft and an overpriced, redrilled th350-208 adapter.
I'm hoping I can get lucky and be able to use my 700r/241 adapter I have lying here collecting dust.
Offset wagoneer springs with rear facing shackle is what I got in the works. Slider boxes are still on the back of my mind though!

Once the major construction begins I may do a build thread. Just collecting parts right now.