The 1st Ever

Why bother with a 44 front? Even if you put the 9" in the rear, I believe you can get it in a 5 on x.x pattern axle to match your current front?

I wouldn't upgrade the front again until you are ready for a 60?

Rig looks awesome, did you see (and count) the one in 4WD&SU / May09 - page 35. Owned by John Mathys of Lancaster CA.

He is running 33s but they look too small for his rig. Just hard to believe we have not seen more swaps yet...but I guess the prices are just getting down enough for folks to do this.
yeah..i actually know him...

a dana 44 out of a old model bronco has a 5x5.5 bolt pattern...that's what i'm going for...i don't want true full widths so that is a good 36's are the biggest i want to go...
so you got your iroks recently?Im thinking of buying some where did you get yours?Who is the cheapest?Nice jeep man!Oh yeah and dana 60's would look retarded under that thing!
Ok, never thought i would ever say this but that liberty looks sweet
...i now have 36x1350x15 Irocks, i also have the usual goodies, locked, high steer, long arms, gearing, and such...just thought i would share w/ you all
By the way, i love the irocks so far...
yeah but his set-up is considered cross-over... not high steer. unless he has changed something recently, and i haven't seen it.