I bought the chassis and put all my stuff in it but heres what iv learned.
When the previous owner owned it and was selling it i thought it was exactly what i wanted, I wouldnt have to change a thing, with in a week i knew i was going to completely redo the driver compartment and some day do the road change the front and rear body up a bit.
So heres my advice to anyone looking to buy a retired chassis, go in expecting your going to eventually rebuild almost the whole thing. I wouldnt have done it differently though, buying the chassis got me in to tube buggy status alot quicker then building one from scratch.
By the way heres some pictures from last night, things are moving right along.
Picture of the old tube work with a peek at the new grill hoop
New grill hoop and connectors from firewall to grill hoop, left the old front hoop in for now because its holding the radiator
Still got the tube fender part to put on, shock hoops, and some bracing. I have to figure out how the radiator is going to mount along with lights and hood pins. Have to be close to being done by the end of next weekend. Looks like ill have a couple late night after work this week.