the :nopics: thread


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
For those times when you wish you had a pic...

Today, I wish I had a rear-facing dashcam.

Was going 70 on I-540, see "something" just off to my left side...look in my driver side rearview, then up to my center rearview, just in time to see a white SUV cutting behind me at a high rate of speed, perpendicular to my line of travel. Close, like filing my mirrors close. It's a wonder nobody got wrapped up with him, because there was a couple of cars following me, first maybe only 5 or 6 car lengths behind me (he crossed between us).

Looking in my pax mirror, could see he made it across all 4 travel lanes, across the grass, and appeared to run across the exit ramp at that interchange as we got out of sight. Looked like he stayed upright, the last I could see of him. Cars way back stopped to either help or gawk, nothing we could do at that point without going several miles to the next exit and turning around.

I'm still not sure where he came from....either he was going the same direction as me, veered off into the cables and managed to get turned 90 degress without loosing any velocity, or more what I think happened, he came from the other direction on 540, and either jumped the cables, or managed to precisely hit one of the offset openings in the cables. Whatever happened, there was only a small dust cloud. And he wasn't locking down on the brakes, either.
..This was probably 20ish or so years ago. Me and @jcramsey were coming back from somewhere in West Virginia. I'm driving and notice a car cross the white line in my side mirror, disappear back into traffic, then smash into the concrete median with enough force to send it airborne and spin it to where the trunk is facing oncoming traffic. It's grinding the median like Tony Hawk on a handrail, proceeds to slide off the median into oncoming traffic and got t-boned by a s-10 blazer. Watched the whole thing play out in the side mirror in just a few seconds.....
10 er so years ago the wife and I are going to Carolina Beach.
Flying low on cruise control down I-40 in a 2000-ish old skool STS caddy and we see a cloud of dust up ahead.
I slam on the brakes and come to a stop right beside of a Camry in the median pointing the wrong way with the cables wrapped around it.
I was tempted to stay and watch just to see how they would get that thing out of the cables .... but it was the beach ......