The secret is out


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
I know ths iis supposed to be a secret but I have to spill the beans...

I caught word on the street that NC4x4 had a new motif coming.
I did some digging, and OMG, here it is:

The new look of NC4x4!!

how could you guys do this to us???
For us wheelin guys that try to use the computer for useful stuff, WTF does motif stand for?
One entry found.
Main Entry: mo·tif
Pronunciation: \mō-ˈtēf\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, motive, motif, from Middle French — more at motive
Date: 1848
1: a usually recurring salient thematic element (as in the arts) ; especially : a dominant idea or central theme
2: a single or repeated design or color— mo·tif·ic \-ˈtē-fik, -ˈti-\ adjective
Did I miss something? Every forum I'm on is going crazy with bacon. What's the deal?
I am hungry for bacon!!
Man, I am just getting old....:shaking: The good old days with no cell phones or computers definatley had it advantages. But then again, got to love the damn things now or do we :beer:
are you a cop? or a board nerd on pc. fry that bacon up get outside and do something have a good one later.........