The worst movies of all time?

Mosquito Coast.

Got my mom a lifetime ban from renting movies.
Icebreaker (2000) not the most recent movie with the same title.

Sean Astin is a ski patroller trying to keep terrorists led by Bruce Campbell from blowing up Killington with a nuke. I usually enjoy mind numbing and obscure B and C list movies but this thing is just awful.



Talk about the stupidest shit I've ever seen. The idea is hilarious as a concept but that's where it should have stayed .

A MURDEROUS TIRE that goes on a rampage.
I rode a fast boat out of nofuck VA in the late 70's. We kept about 70 16 mm flicks onboard. Always a fresh batch when we got underway. Some of the worst movies I have ever seen. Can't remember the names. We watched them anyway. Tits, bullets and motorcycles, were the best. Full frontal nudity made up for any bad acting or plot.
When we were in school one of my buddies worked for time warner cable. One of their perks is you get ALL channels available for some super discounted amount. We were up late doing typical college student stuff and this movie came on called like Decadent Nurses from Hell, or something like that. It was easily the stupidest movie I've ever seen.

I've tried to search for it, but any time I google decadent nurses I get ... um.. unintended results
Blair Witch Project
Atomic Tornado was so bad, I only watched the first 20-30 minutes, but only because I work at a nuclear power plant.
Dunkirk had a lot of great reviews, but we hated it, even though I really like movies set in WWII.