
Turn down the brightness on your monitor.
No can do, I keep several windows open simultaneously and switch back and forth between them.

Does this board not have different background themes? :confused: Every other board I belong to does.
No.... and I don't know of any that do. They're a PITA to maintain on the backend.

90% of websites are black text on a white background. What's different about this one that causes you pain?
Hmm... NONE of the boards I belong to have a white background... only this one and Facebook. All the others have a black background and white text (or an option to display the pages that way).

What causes me pain? My 47-year-old eyes I guess. Staring at these white pages has me feeling like I'm going snowblind! :(

It was all the people complaining of their 'old eyes' that insisted on a white background in the first place. Can't please everyone, I suppose. :beer:
Probably old monitors more than old eyes. I'm using a brand new 19" HD LCD, and with the white background it's like staring into a 100 watt light bulb.

So there aren't any alternate themes available? It seems like that would be the best way to please everyone.

Oh well, if I'm the only one who finds the white background objectionable, I'll just continue to stay away from this board like I have in the past.

Thanks for being so helpful.

One parting observation... a "board woes" forum serves little purpose if you're only going to defend what you've got instead of looking for ways to make it better. JMHO
cheap sunglasses.
Again, having separate themes is a PITA to maintain. That's not going to happen.

You can fix this problem yourself by adjusting the brightness and contrast on your monitor until you can read everything comfortably. Until then, I'd suggest you not go to Google or Yahoo or CNN or Fox or Amazon or Drudge or Wal-Mart or Lowe's or any of the millions of other websites out there using black text on white backgrounds. You know, for the sake of your retinas and all.

I'm using a brand new 19" HD LCD, and with the white background it's like staring into a 100 watt light bulb.

Uh... you *are* staring into a 100 watt light bulb... :lol:
Strange...i prefer the white background, and I'm staring at a 19" AND a 24" with nothing but white backgrounds and I'm fine. Check your ambient light...turn the lights on in your room and the screens won't seem so vibrant.
Its either your monitor or your eyes and THERE is a way to CUSTOMIZE your view in a BROWER:
In firefox go to Tools Options:
Click on Content then Colors
Then change the Background color to Yellow or whatever - Keep in Mind if there is the SAME yellow text on the page you MAY NOT see it.
MAKES Sure you UNCHECK "Allow pages to Choose their own colors instead of my selections above.
Then hit OK and OK and Voila! Done.
Also I don't mind the black background on Pirate - I just don't like Red text on Black BG's...
This is what NC4x4 looks like when all yellow.
Not cool Eh? Because there are background colors per each row and column and DIV in the HTML and CSS.
It also overrides any Background Images too.
Try a new Monitor or turn down the brightness.
if you are serious...
delicious is a site that can manage your bookmarks (favorites) across multiple browers. So When I'm on any computer I don't have to worry about what link or site I liked/favorited on different computers.
ah gotcha - sarcasm facetiousness is hard to get in text.

Well Hey if you're into Firefox - get Greasemonkey.
It ads more functionality to sites by putting snippets of little Javascript on certain things. Like for Facebook you can view photos in an album without having to click 'into' each one.
And there is a greasemonkey script that can scan the page for books and show your prices on several sites without even leaving the page.

every other add-on I have is Web Development related if you're into that stuff.
chrome FTW.
its fast as snot - doesn't lock up the whole browser... but sometimes on my laptop it says "resolving proxy" for a really long time. I am still trying to figure out why. I don't have a proxy set and I am on an encrypted wireless connection to my modem.
If I need to get something done real quick I use FFX - if I can bare to wait and want to do a lot of work I'll start up chrome.
BTW IE9 is right around the corner.

Hay Lorenzo, can you make my screen smell like pizza?