Things that worked

That's not the only way we're close, that's why I can get away with it :)

For the record, John can get by with more than most simply because we are very good friends that have wheeled many times together. We are separated by a good distance, so much of out friendship is via the phone, or on the trail.

And, as far as who crawled what. 3DKRAWLER did crawl Lower 2, upper 2, and on the second time around, the ledge on School bus. Maybe not at the slow speed John has, but he did crawl it. The design of the Irok is such that it just has a lot more "grippers" than even a cut TSL. JMHO!
I won't be rushing out to buy a set of IROKs anytime soon, unless I was able to sell mine at a good price, but I ain't advertising either.
I also saw a set of the new 47 LTB's that looked great. Kinda like the 49 IROK's too:driver: